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Everything posted by ak357

  1. ak357

    ISC West 2014 - who's going?

    What time are u arriving on Apr 1 ?
  2. Are u going to show this at ISC West in Apr / What is the booth number ?
  3. Are u saying that u can drive 64 SEPARATE computer monitors at the same time at 1080 res and 30 frames?
  4. ak357

    ISC West 2014 - who's going?

    Lots of ppl going I will be there from Apr 1-5
  5. ak357


    Check Video encoders and software by Avigilon
  6. ak357

    video wall

    5 round match has been fixed 3 rounds for me 2 rounds for MR2 Profit 50/50 Plz place your bets
  7. may be for now cover your lenses as much as u need it to remove reflection from wall
  8. Or try to attack problem from different angle Install Avigilon demo connect all your camera and see if it will act the same That what I have done long time ago with Exacq and Sanyo cameras Had Sanyo disconnect all the time after Avigilon installations everything was good also u can install host monitoring software which will monitor cameras separately good luck
  9. Why would you want to post image with 55 % quality ? I use Irfanview too default 90 %
  10. ak357

    video wall

    Download,install,learn, come back and say sorry
  11. ak357

    video wall

    more or less yes, from memory milestone is pretty good at remembering how you set it up... so in theory you could have each client use a different login, then it would remember which position and view it was on Or you use Avigilon One client and many different view setup as you wish
  12. That not fun or fair provide actual URL encrypted by you and we will try to "play" with your code
  13. ak357

    IP camera project, help please

    HIK standalone NVR and HIK camera and u done very hard to beat price and quality
  14. We know this The point is that cameras will not be accessible by using NIC which is being used to connect NVR with home network That how I understand
  15. JoeyJoey HIK NVR create completely separate subnet for camera BassTeO is right I guess all u can do plug laptop to camera port and access cameras
  16. ak357

    Time to Update my System

    What would you like to know beside that all of us like product ?
  17. ak357

    Wireless dvr?

    Google Wired-Ethernet devices to Wireless lots of them around
  18. ftp://ftp.avigilon.com/AvigilonControlCenterServer- Give a try u may like it
  19. Is file size really smaller then H.264 ? Are u from Avent.... ?
  20. ak357

    Time to Update my System

    Where are u located ?
  21. ftp://ftp.avigilon.com/AvigilonControlCenterServer-
  22. Now just for your fun Download Avigilon demo you will be running in about 5-7 min with auto discovery