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Everything posted by ak357

  1. ak357

    Guide to designing a CCTV system for homeowners

    Chance-I ! Woow did not hear this name for while used to sell lots of cards years ago ( even had custom GUI done for us) still have in my garage probably about 15 cards collecting dust
  2. ak357

    Guide to designing a CCTV system for homeowners

    Does not surprise me a bit
  3. ak357

    Guide to designing a CCTV system for homeowners

    Yea I kinda figured that, it's just my opinion. You get what you pay for. Of course it also depends what you need the system for. If you just want to find out what bastard is stealing your newspapers then you can probably get away with a cheap system. If you want to protect your home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365, then spend the money to get a good system. I can tell lots of examples about "customers" deal with them for about 10 years on retail level person lost 50-60K and he want to buy Costco system and so on... look around forum what people talk and buy Actually I notice more and more inside integrators and installers around my city Nobody want to sell or install to residential homes I turn down at least few calls per month unless person want talk about quality usually takes 2-3 min to know whom u talking to
  4. Is it just me or is the PTZ clip gone? it's coming later
  5. 10 years ago I would say Woow Today I would ask you why did u bother to buy and install this ......
  6. In my opinion it really comes down to the environment, FOV (field of view) and what is being captured. For your environment and what you're capturing it seems that D1 is not sufficient for you, and that's understandable. Also, as you mentioned, cameras and compression have an effect on overall quality as well. In most of the environments where I've installed cameras, MP cameras are not needed. And in the environments where a MP camera or two would be advantageous, the clients choked when learning the cost. Using decent quality analog equipment and setting the proper FOV can yield decent results. What do u think about this statement "Recommending only video security solutions based on your current comfort level or technical capabilities is not delivering the best long-term business solution. It is selling products. If you are in a "product sale" mindset, you better have some really low overhead and be able to live with "low price wins" profitability issues."
  7. ak357

    Qvis / EyeSurv RTSP URL

  8. ak357


    new sub forum cool
  9. Thx Tom I just got all of them but I would love to share with you if u want I have cool ones too...
  10. 1.Wel,l I never had luck using Acronis image on SSD reg sata drive no problem 2.Avigilon has deactivate lic utility u can try and activate again or simply call support. I would simply install fresh win and done with it take very little time to do it but I am sure u know this yourself
  11. Good job Tom U don't mind if we "use" your clips right ?
  12. He need actual data from PTZ to capture in real time all the time u are talking about OSD
  13. Matt forget HDcctv and Todd lots factories making HD-SDI and also get sample and try it that what i have done so far
  14. I like it big time for 4 ch and probably 8 ch will start to offer only HD-SDI for "tight" customer base otherwise Avigilon Sean kinda like you sell to DYI with or with out help as they wish
  15. Will have in about week time I sold 2 system 4ch each ( in about 10 min ) customer will have possession of the product in few days so expect to have lots of samples very soon one for now was resize for forum http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn217/ak357/sdi.jpg
  16. just for your info for future reference You are talking about HD-SDI lots of company makes this product I am playing with 4 Ch DVR as we speak actually not too bad may switch some " tight" customer to this product so far I can see I will offer 4 CH only much less tech support true plug and play
  17. Hmm, you are opening can of worms good for you you notice this will be lots of comments soon my opinion start look at megapix cams in mean time your system will give you D1 size but not D1 quality
  18. Yes u can plug camera direct but for proper reading u should have 75 Ohm load resistor across and plz Google how to use scope
  19. Very professional advice
  20. Be careful ! If I remember correct Samsung in the past use power and video thru the same cable
  21. Simple in any conversation whether with Tried , ADI, any online store when we talk about Analog camera TV Lines of resolution we ALWAYS refer Hor resolution ( which is number of vertical lines) and you are the first who should know this you are welcome to call me and "argue"
  22. Analog cameras are rated in TV Lines, which roughly corresponds to vertical resolution. They ARE NOT typically rated in HxV pixels. Are u sure vertical ? hmm
  23. ak357

    Logitech Alert???

    With all my due respect don't make big issue from it I am in Edmonton selling and installing for long time lots of cameras will work in your ( my ) temperature range
  24. ak357

    Best HDcctv camera?
