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Everything posted by ak357

  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=dynamic+ip+address+service
  2. ak357

    Aver and i7 processor

    can i ask how you have 16 vga and 16 ip on a 16 system He has 2 cards
  3. ak357

    Which DVR for 600 TVL camera?

    Rory can u plz provide shot in D1 or VGA rez for single cam ? Thx
  4. ak357

    CCTV Design for Mall

    Genetec Inc ?
  5. ak357


    Check Sanyo part numbers VA-80EX and VA-CM8C/S Playing with few as we speak
  6. Server u install as win service Client will connect to Server ( or few of them ) plus they have Web Client They charge for cam license only So u buy as many as u need it All components avail separately
  7. My customer has to click one button on his remote to get video HDMI output from Exacq Server going to HDMI input on his TV That how He wants !
  8. May be don't be against IP so much open your mind, build reputation and you will also get "clients with IT closets"
  9. What was the CPU usage at? Ive tried HD video on several atom PCs and it was not good results. I am doing 30-40 % at school runing 30 mega pix cams and Exacq they have I5 server and separate Client
  10. What was the CPU usage at? Ive tried HD video on several atom PCs and it was not good results. Rory may be u missing something IP Server only collect and record streams it does not use CPU heavy The "fun" begins when u want to decode and playback that when we use client
  11. Could you elaborate a bit more on this? Is a Zotac PC as an Atom based Exacq NVR a good choice? It looks like they have Dual Core Atom with ION graphics. Would a system like that support the same IP cameras that the Exacqvision EL-S supports? How would its ability to handle multiple MP cameras compare to the EL-S? It seems like it could be a more reasonable way to use Exacq, but I would lose the hybrid ability. This would be for server only. I have an iCore7 as client. If u can afford Exacq Server stay away from analog cams Use I7 as Server and Client ( or Server only ) that what my customer doing for now here is few shots from recent residential job http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn217/ak357/Garage2.jpg http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn217/ak357/OmarWindow.jpg http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn217/ak357/Deck.jpg
  12. Well that bring another point That Samsung Did Not implement fully and properly ONVIF I have seen this already few times with other manufactures I would stay out for now and wait
  13. Any ONVIF compliant camera "theoretically " should work with any ONVIF compliant software But as usual with CCTV industry it is not going to happen
  14. Xtralis (IDCS) can do this, also Digifort... PM sent
  15. ak357

    Rival to CNB Mona Lisa

    That what u can expect from mp camera http://i305.photobucket.com/albums/nn217/ak357/X1.jpg
  16. ak357

    VBM-24VF Low light.

    Are you talking 0.05 Lux at the camera end or object ?
  17. ak357

    Rival to CNB Mona Lisa

    You expect a lot from NTSC interlaced video Get mega pixel and enjoy
  18. ak357

    Rival to CNB Mona Lisa

    What is definition of "true 704x480 picture" ? To see where ?
  19. Actually Matt DVR I have seen software will "ASSUME" new space and start record as usual hope to be simple for customers
  20. Quite likely. Or they could be poorly-designed switching-mode supplies, which would have a similar effect of putting a bunch of ripple on the line. SEANHAWG: what this means is, without proper filtering, the actual voltage output of an AC/DC supply is a bumpy line that will actually vary between the peak voltage (probably upwards of 18V or so) and as low as 0V, 120 times per second, looking much like the second graph below. A capacitor across the supply smooths this ripple, although it won't usually remove it completely. If the 5A supplies don't have sufficient filtering, the result would look... well, like this, but not as bad. I don't know if I would call "ripple" because PWM operate on lot higher frequency then 60 Hz but that whole another story pulsating DC, harmonics and so on..... just to name few problem
  21. This is not some internet rumor, this is BASIC electrical theory. I=P/V, I=V/R, etc. Ohm's Law. I would expect there's something else at play... like maybe, the 2.5A supplies are non-regulated where the 5A ones are, and the muxes are really happier with something a little over 12V. You can't FORCE extra current into a load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can bet his 5A supply have poor caps meaning bad filter for DC
  22. You right about ph lines if I remember correct The DC-resistance of typical telephone equipment is in 200-300 ohm range and current flowing through the telephone is in 20-50 mA range.