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Everything posted by ak357

  1. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+split+video+signal
  2. ak357

    CNB made in china??

    Hmm u saying that "Indigo" make DVR for CNB ? highly doubt this
  3. Yes and No Rory He is creating separate sub net with server then by using second network card you can do whatever u want. sure its few other ways to do it Ooops just seen Soundy post answer
  4. ak357

    PMs sit in my out box

    They will disappear after person receive them
  5. ak357

    Exacq issue.

    You can run Client on any comp Server do not have GUI ( run as win service ) u control server by client
  6. I think we are talking about 2 different thing The way I understand OP is talking about soft lots of camera on market can have multi stream but not a lots of soft which can support it Right ?
  7. ak357

    EB1304NET SATA Hard Drive Backup

    If he formatted Hard drive how it will get repair by DVR ?
  8. Soundy I got few samples far from cheap and very impressive varifocal,OSD, 600 lines ... full package
  9. Small chance but what if her neighbor using cam with "HLC" high light compensation" will not be able to blind camera
  10. ak357

    CIF, D1, H.264 Mayhem!

    I really have no reason to explain further. If I did however you would run VidCap on your windows OS and find various generic codecs with little to no compression if any. Its been several years so unfortunately I cannot name them but im sure a search of the forum can answer all your questions. When capturing using VidCap as in my sample, you must select A codec and does not matter whether it compresses or not or how well it does. If you think a 43 second clip that is 693 mb is compressed in some way I would be impressed to know how. Uncompressed Video " Captured video that has not been altered by the capture device or software to compress the data" Rory why do you argue ? It is lots of tools available to analyse video which will show to you was your clip compressed or not we gladly recommend to you if u need it if you do not know how to use it we will gladly explain to you
  11. ak357

    construction cam

    Exacq can do time lapse recording
  12. No wonder Soundy and 2 Canada's major oil companies love Vigil 1 fps and lots days of storage just joking My problem is I can't stand low frame rate We all started long time ago with few fps but in 2010 10-15 fps or more I have too many real life examples when low frames leads to lots of problems,complains and so on ....
  13. ak357

    CIF, D1, H.264 Mayhem!

    Just curios Why do u think two of Canada's major oil companies spec only 1 fps for every camera ?
  14. Thx for info Dave few ??? for you from your article "As we receive these large images, the VIGIL software decompresses the image file, and then recompresses the image using our special Aztech codec" How decompress and re compress every frame of every camera affect CPU usage ? Snapshots of Task manager -- Performance would be nice Running 10-20 Megapix cam full blast please Thanks
  15. Lots of people here can provide tons of info and idea few ??? for you Are u going to charge in future for your tests and review ( in past "http://ipvideomarket.info/" was coming here ask ??? then turn around charging How do u do tests ? What equipment if any are u using ? Thanks
  16. OP has good reason to compare Do u know or understand difference between H.264 and JPEG ?
  17. ak357

    CIF, D1, H.264 Mayhem!

    Do u really want to learn this ? Start with basic theory What is NTSC How picture is "drawn" on a television or computer display and so on ... if u are serious I can supply lots of links Then u will see its not just number of pixel on CCD
  18. ak357

    Jack Liu give u more

  19. ak357

    Jack Liu give u more

    Can we touch you ? Are u for real
  20. ak357

    This is our trade

    May I ask you ? Do u operate from your home, office,retail store ? Do you work for somebody or its your own business ? just curios Thanks
  21. ak357

    EVO vs Iphone 4

    Are you sure its a good price Sound very expensive
  22. ak357

    Newbie from Down Under

    Look at his response to my post He did find what He want