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Everything posted by ak357

  1. ak357

    Shutter speed AND frame rate

    At least you are curios enough to keep asking ??? here is small hint your camera produce and feed your DVR also 30 Frames per second keep thinking .....
  2. ak357

    Shutter speed AND frame rate

    Thx for links I save them and more for my "curios" sales forces
  3. ak357

    Shutter speed AND frame rate

    may help http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+shutter+speed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame_rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shutter_speed
  4. My best low light is an Axis 223M. Oh yeah, I should add, mounted next to a 50W RayMax. I have the new Pano 502 that does pretty well with residential street lighting, but I'm guessing the dual sensor Mobotix and Arecont do better. Best, Christopher yep agree, good example of "low light" Axis and 50W Raymax I am going to call u Saturday if its OK I brought back home 1.3mp 30 fr to play again
  5. Yes, of course. Just bein' silly. And dreamin'. I have the 1D Mark II. Would love to upgrade to the recently announced Mark IV. Anyway, back to security cameras. Yes, I understand where you are coming from, but many of us need the low light. System design is always about trade-offs. You need detail. Some of us need low light. Until sensor designers can add about 5 to 8 more stops, we're forced to compromise one or the other or somewhere in the middle. Best, Christopher Do u think I don't belong to "many of us group" I am not happy with CCTV low light images You and me talk about this while back u know exactly what I mean That all I am trying to say I wish one day everybody on forum can post their best "low light" pix and then lets have discussion
  6. ak357

    Luxriot Pros/Cons?

    Yes the client is slow over WAN but the web client is very good. I get high frame rates with multiple megapixel cameras using the the web client. The only downfall right now is it's only live video but that is going to be addressed in 4.0. Mike why slow over WAN I know u have Exacq demo servers access don't u like it ? I have no problem to look at their demo servers they have very good "pipe" I get from them up to 3-5 mbps unless u have "OK" connections
  7. Christopher thx for pix but I was talking about CCTV cameras only by the way
  8. lets see it under low light, side by side with the pano. Rory we are not going to compare under low light for a simple reason which u going to like of course pano will be better but my problem and I stress it is my problem I do not like any night shots done by almost any camera (possible exception is some Mobotix and Arecont 3130) majority pix done by me and others what I have seen do not have any value for ME Yes, I do sell like all of us diff cams and if customer like it good for them and I guess good for me
  9. ~ up to 100 m or more heavily depend on cable attenuation (quality) u cant cut data rate and keep compressing all the time and expect decent pix everything in life has limitations and why would you want "non HD camera" ? I personally tired to look at analog cameras (even Panasonic 484) and just for fun have a look at this sample only VGA res (IP cam)
  10. Looks like we are talking about HD-SDI cameras that what they trying to do no compression by camera transmit using coax and capture card will compress just for info standard, known as high-definition serial digital interface (HD-SDI), is standardized in SMPTE 292M; this provides a nominal data rate of 1.485 Gbit/s.
  11. No compression ? How do u propose we deal with astronomical amount of data coming from camera ?
  12. Sorry, but I am getting confuse with the way you worded
  13. Can u provide your own examples of "simple viewer to a Networked system please" ? and what do u mean by " non IP systems" ? reg coax and analog ?
  14. ok Thanks u should tweak image kinda weak
  15. Soundy is recording done by Vigil ,Videoinsight or ? model number looks very similar what u install for me
  16. I guess his ? is if we can run main Apps as windows service ? which if i remember NUUO cannot ?
  17. ak357

    Geovison online monitoring

    I did not mean to use Google for host monitoring I meant use Google to find software
  18. Agree with Rory happens all the time the easiest way install some spy utility and week later show owner what his staff is doing have done it few times got big thank you and free lunch
  19. ak357

    Lux Meters?

    It was thirty years ago, but I still remember the first question I missed in college. It was a Chemistry 101 exam. Here's the question. - A bottle and a cork cost $1.05. The bottle costs $1.00 more than the cork. What is the cost of the cork? 1.025 and 0.025 2.5 cents i new this joke also 30 years back as $11 total Regarding the LT300, I don't know the details of the UI, but perhaps it was easier to add two junk digits than it was to add more ranges. Speaking of educational, tonight I used my $4,500 light meter to take some low lux readings. It is a Canon Mark II, a dual use device that can also be used as a camera. Using ISO 3200 at f/2.8 it took 4 seconds to properly expose the area. That should be equivalent to EV -4. Using the equation lux = 2.5 * 2 ** EV, assuming I don't make any errors, we get 0.2 lux. Plus or minus. Best, Christopher and speaking about jokes have u ever seen this one 2x2=5 or 1=2 can be easily proven
  20. Thank you Amir more ??? to follow
  21. ak357

    Lux Meters?

    u have a point but 1 Lux at 5% error is between .95 and 1.05 right ? do u think we care just get unit and start to play its not bad and educational
  22. ak357

    Geovison online monitoring

    Thats like saying dont cook, just buy frozen food Thanks though, I will check it out. By the way some good soft can monitor any port regardless what behind i mean DVR,IP cams or whatever as long as you have something streaming on this port it can be monitored and create rules for alarm, e-mail and so on that how I monitor one of my corporate client with about 20 DVRs and few other which bring another ? why not to charge for it
  23. ak357

    Geovison online monitoring

    Don't have to create wheel Google for host monitoring