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Everything posted by ak357

  1. ak357

    IP vs. Analog

    Thanks for info ! Can you tell us How Do You test Ethernet switches For Throughput , Bandwidth, etc Which tools do you use ? Thanks
  2. have u try to download ActiveX for mac? ActiveX for Mac ? are u serious ?
  3. http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=98365#98365 more info ? sent me PM
  4. ak357

    Help with new system design

    Yes u can but Soundy u know well that in corporate world nobody would open ports to see each camera direct unless we are talking inside LAN only
  5. Count me in I can probaly get good "DDoS trojan" from China
  6. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Wikipedia+Serial+digital+interface
  7. ---------------------------------------------------------- That funny u ask those ??? because I am getting soon sample of SDI camera and capture card but I have ? for you You collect here lots of info,opinions and so on then on your website you want us to pay fee to access it kinda not fair ? may be for forum members u should provide it for free hmm, on another hand may be we should charge you What do you think? Interested?
  8. ak357

    IP vs. Analog

    Yes, Rory they are available but the ? you have to ask this days which Hybrid DVR or NVR will support it too many suppliers, too many standards
  9. ak357

    TVL Measuring

    [quote name="Scott Broscious USB Adapters do nothing but convert information into a format ready for your computer. This is read by your computer as 1's and 0's' date=' not tvl or [/quote] Can i ask u for model number, brand name of your USB adapter please Thx
  10. That would be great, but I don't have access to that section. Aha so you are not Dealer O my God
  11. I am thinking about $10-$15 month for home users. Do you think this is reasonable? I expect that most home applications (monitor pets, entrance to garage, etc) do not require 24x7 recording. And if I record motion activated events only - the traffic and storage becomes reasonable (within few GB a month) There's an alarm company in Canada, called AlarmForce, that has a similar type of business model: you pay nothing up-front for installation or the equipment, and $25/mo for the monitoring. The old-school alarm guys poo-poo it, but we had it once in a rental townhouse, and it works fairly well. The "brain" is just a little box that plugs into power and the phone line; the base price includes one motion sensor and one door sensor (both wireless). For a keypad, you use any existing phone in the house to enter your codes. The "brain" includes a speakerphone setup, so when it goes off, it calls the monitoring station, and they can communicate back directly. The thing we liked about it, being on a really tight budget at the time, was the payment model - most installed systems would have been in the $500-$1000+ range (installed cost), something we could never have afforded at the time. For someone who wants a camera for their home or small business that doesn't have the upfront cash for the system, yours may be a good idea. The catch to the AlarmForce model (there's always a catch, isn't there?) is that you have to sign up for a four-year contract, and early cancellation basically requires you to pay out the rest of the total amount to the end of that term. They also stipulate that they own the equipment, so when you do end your contract, they get the system back. The plus-side to that, for the user, is that they also warranty it for the entire time you have it - the only thing you have to do is change the batteries in the sensors once a year. I know, I'm sounding like a salesman for these guys... but I'm thinking, it's a business model that's worked well for them for a long time (the latest commercials also make a big deal that they haven't changed their monitoring rates in 15+ years), and it may give you some ideas for what you want to do: instead of selling the camera, lease it to the customer along with the service. If they ever terminate, you take the camera back, and you can lease it to someone else. Now the downside to that, with the cameras, is that the technology is moving so fast, but you could add in a clause that provides for future upgrades as well. The main idea is, it's additional peace of mind for the customer, that they don't have to ever worry about the hardware, and the ability to get it installed and running without a huge up-front cash outlay will be attractive to a lot of people, especially in today's economy. Of course, you'll have to work out what kind of monthly rate and contract term will allow you to recoup your costs properly - $25/mo for four years is a total of $1200, but compare that to what it would cost them to get the camera and a recorder, and then get it installed, and then add the remote recording on top of that. In the case of the alarm setup, monitoring for a regular home alarm at the time was $15-$20/mo., which added to even a mere $500 installation would have come to $1220-$1960 over the four years. The other thing you'd have to be sure to include is a stipulation that broadband internet is required on-site, and that the customer is wholly responsible for the reliability of his own internet connection (meaning, if it's flaky or goes down, he has to deal with the provider to get it going). May be that type of discussion should be in Dealer section ?
  12. ak357

    TVL Measuring

    Hmm He is talking about Camera TVL not recording res You can capture at any res u want from any camera u want right ? VLC will show only at what res video was captured and recorded which have nothing to do with your incoming video signal I guess what I am trying to say I can record at D1 (720x480) but my camera is piece of s...t with 320 lines or less
  13. You are right they all so far proprietary That how our industry operate the only hope in future is Open Network Video Interface Forum ONVIF I kinda have almost the same situation (1280x720 30 fr) but in my case I can get matching IP server
  14. Can we get please sample images from Indigo camera day, night full res ? Thanks and just for fun pix from cheap 2 MP IP Asian camera was resized
  15. Dear TastyHuman, Our NVRmini runs on Linux, but our live view and playback technology is based on ActiveX which requires IE. You still can configure the system using Firefox since the control panel is based on HTML + Ajax. Cheers, Yung-chung Lin I would love to see your comments about bandwith "limitations" on Mini Nuuo Is it true that unit cant handle full data rate of cameras or what is Max bandwith unit can handle ?
  16. http://www.filefactory.com/file/agh97d5/n/backup_avi Clip was made by 1.3 MP, H.264, 720P, 30 Frames Reg lenses not megapix, Auto Iris Please try to play fullscreen Thanks problem to play try http://www.free-codecs.com/FFDshow_download.htm
  17. I wish Arecont had bandwidth controls like AXIS and ACTI cameras do. I don't understand how low light bandwidth is higher then daytime that strange to me image quality control by Arecont soft will give some control over bandwidth At night the "noise" in the image is being seen as motion, with some I and P frame compressions at 80% or more motion within the scene it goes to full images, hence the higher bandwidths at night I did not realise that he is using Arecont H.264 I was under impression we are talking about Mjpeg camera
  18. I wish Arecont had bandwidth controls like AXIS and ACTI cameras do. I dont understand how low light bandwidth is higher then daytime that strange to me image quality control by Arecont soft will give some control over bandwidth