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  1. Thanks for replying, Rory. So I need a DVR card and a CCTV camera? I just had a look at a reputable website that sells security cameras (tigerdirect.ca), and they were selling some for about $65 CAN. If I bought a cheapo DVR card, would I be able to accomplish my goal (albeit perhaps a bit over budget)? Are these types of cameras decent, or are they toys? I've no idea Here's the cameras on tigerdirect's website: http://tinyurl.com/e42cp Cheers, Dave
  2. Hi all, Bear with me, please...I know quite a bit about computers but not a lot about CCTV stuff I want to set up a webcam-type of setup where I have a camera pointed out my 2nd floor window viewing the street, and broadcast live to the Internet. I'm not sure yet if I want to go for full video or just snapshots every couple of seconds or so. It doesn't have to be razor-sharp quality, but I'd like something that's a step up from even a good webcam. Originally I wanted to just buy a webcam; but it suddenly occurred to me that the quality of the picture might be better if I could somehow connect an actual security-type of camera to my PC. Is there any way to do this cheaply (say, for about $100)? I'm not sure what equipment I need in terms of cards in my PC and/or adapters, not to mention what types of cameras would work. Can anyone just orient me in the right direction and then give me a shove? Thanks, Dave