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Everything posted by gamba47

  1. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Hi to everyone, i´m a newbie on this themes but i will read everything on this forum. Thanks for share your knowledge I have reading a lot but i did not find a solution for this. I have to install DMMultiview on severals machines on a network (arround 10) i have downloaded DMMultiview one time from internet but when i install on one machine the "Default IP" is the localhost. Is there any way to get this default IP changed forever ? i change editing this one time, log and run dmmultiview, everything is ok, but, when i logout and shutdown the PC i go to the same point. On every run of DM i get the same default IP. This not happend when i download DM from the GV server. I hope you understand me. Best regards. gamba47
  2. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Hi, this is a old thread. Today Geovision is an old software and DVRs/NVRs are a better solution. They don't have Windows operating system and are more stable (without blue screen of death, memory leaks, virus and all of this MS-Windows problems). Power consupsion is lower too. Best regards. gamba47
  3. Hi guys! Can you tell me what can i do to get a better quality with DmMultiview ? I have to see on another PC (near of a door) 3 cameras but the quality (as always) is diferent if you see this directly from the Server. I want get a full resolution and quality. there is not a problem with bandwithd because there is a 100mb network. There is any solution ? Best regards. gamba47
  4. Hi rory. Yes i try with this with no success. Were can i find on Geovision software the resolution D1 ?? Best regards
  5. Do you solve the webserver without activex ? gamba47
  6. The best way to solve your problem is reinstalling the OS. Then if it don´t work you may change your Card. Best regards. gamba47
  7. Hi again to every one. I have a problem. There is a client who have a GV-800 with 12 cameras. He has 65.5gb for recording. For some reason all cameras stop recording some time but not all at the same time. It´s like a scheduled task but there is not a task. this happend at any time and can´t be determined. Any guess ? Best regards. gamba47
  8. gamba47

    Stop record some cameras at any time

    Thanks for your sugestions i will try all of this at any time. At this moment i talk with the owner of the server about change the Pc for another brand new. I will post the results when i get that machine on my hands. Best regards. gamba47
  9. gamba47

    Stop record some cameras at any time

    It´s a old pc. celeron 2.66 480gb ram xp sp3 But this problem it´s new never happend before. gamba47
  10. gamba47

    GeoVision, cant setup audio

    There are two gain control. You have one on the Geovision software and another in the MIC. Some times (every time) it´s possible to get a really noise because the mics are very sensitive to the enviroment. Try with another mic but i never have a "ohh this mic really sound goods" surprise. post your results. best regards. gamba47
  11. gamba47

    tv out on geovision

    Looks good your idea, please can you explain a litle bit ? best regards. gamba47
  12. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Hi again rory. Your solution did not work I try to find the "localhost" item but only i get the one created by me. I´m trying to find a solution. I will post any thing about this. Best regards. gamba47
  13. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Ok. I will try and post the results ! Thanks. gamba47
  14. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    rory, i did not find the registry key wich change de default ip to conect. I find on the registry: \hkey_local_machine\software\geovision\multiview But only find keys about the diferents saved profiles. Best regards. gamba47
  15. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Where is the line to edit ? Thanks!! gamba47
  16. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    Yes, but you have to reinstall using your web server and this take a lot of time desactivating active x and others things. Best regards. gamba47
  17. gamba47

    Change Settings from DMMultiview

    You can delete the localhost ? Best regards. gamba47
  18. gamba47

    Can no longer access remotely [SOLVED]

    good for you dude! Please, edit the first post and add the word [solved] I love when i search a problem and find the word solved in the topic. Best regards. gamba47
  19. gamba47

    gv-800 Can´t see the last 5 cameras [Solved]

    Both problems solved. First problem: Limit port 16 to 11 This is for Geovision V6.x wich don´t have the option to disable de beep from video lost. In this version we can disable cameras. I enable all and i get no limit port. Second problem: "can´t find usb key...." The card is a clone and can´t run versions upper than 7. I have to install 6.05 version to get it work. Best regards. gamba47
  20. Hi guys i´m with a strange problem. We are updating a server with 11 cameras and adding 3 cameras more. When we open GV-800 system software we see this message (in spanish): "Puerto Limitado 16 to 11 " Puerto limitado is equal to limited port. Did you know what this mean ? I try to get an screenshot but with not success. best regards. Edit - addin screenshot
  21. gamba47

    Can no longer access remotely [SOLVED]

    Can you access from the wan side with your IP to http://IP_wan ? What router do you have ? some routers work bad with virtual server try with DMZ (fordward all ports to your GeoServer) Best regards
  22. gamba47

    Can i edit VideoLost image from GV? [Solved]

    Thanks rory for your quick anwser. Best regards and problem solved! gamba47
  23. Another post from me! I create separated post for discuss, sorry if i do wrong. This time i need to know if exist any change to put on "Video Lost" Screen another picture with my own image. I look at c:\GVxxx\ but there is only two files on c:\gvxxx\WebTemp\template called videolost.gif and videolost.jpg I change both files with my files, restart the pc but the image is the same. Any advise ? Best regards. gamba47
  24. gamba47

    gv-800 Can´t see the last 5 cameras [Solved]

    changing to GV 7.05 i get the same: addin this: Help!
  25. gamba47

    Multiview and web browsing problem

    I will try and post the results. Best regards. gamba47