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  1. does this support recorded playback, or just live view? thanks. adding: also, is this just for the pc based systems or for the dedicated, too?
  2. good info - thanks a bunch.
  3. great, thanks so much for all the info. cnb looks appealing. should i consider them for dvrs?
  4. Thanks, Tom, I will certainly give AVerMedia a look. I do like the idea of going all IP, but one thing that troubles me is the pricing on outdoor IP cameras. It seems you can get a quality outdoor analog camera for $200 or so, but need to go closer to $700 for any kind of outdoor IP. I'm not sure I undertand why that is, given that indoor IP vs. analog does not seem to have the same disparity?
  5. I'm a home technology integrator just getting into surveillance and would like to standardize on a line for DVR's and cameras. My projects are all residential, and involve one to eight indoor and/or outdoor cameras. I would like to be able to offer a single camera with DVR starting around $1k. Network access from smart phones (i.e. BlackBerry and iPhone, mostly) is required. I've been looking at Speco and IC Realtime. Do these seem like suitable manufacturers for what I describe? Do I need to provide more details on typical projects? What other manufacturers should I look at? Thanks!