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Posts posted by pr0n

  1. tried the SDK but it's only written for Fedora8 which isn't available anymore and honestly my knowledge of driver programming is null. I called hicvision support and they where absolutely terrible. most of the guys there I talked to probably thought linux was program you run in windows.

    If you know what to do with that to get it working that would be great.


    thanks for the bluecherry website. why don't all these hidden shopping sites get farther up on google dang it!

  2. I have been searching [mod edit store link removed] *The interwebs*

    that website for a while now and none of the cards are listed with OS compatibility. I run zoneminder on all of my DVRs usually on Fedora or Ubuntu Linux. I recently purchased a Hicvision compression card only to find that compression cards are really crappy and usually only work with proprietary drivers and even more proprietary crappy software. After using zoneminder I absolutely refuse to use ANY of the windows based DVR clients as a programmer it's obvious that whoever wrote most of these has no idea what they're doing. Every one I've tried gets pointer errors and then you can't minimize without passwords and all sorts of bull crap and aside from that I can keep a Linux machine up 24/365 without even a bump for 5+ years but with a windows machine that's an impossible feat.


    So how do I know what card to buy? can anyone help I already have a bunch of cameras so I can't go to ip cameras unfortunately. I have posted on the zoneminder forums but got no response. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
