I loaded IE6 and it works great from outside my WAN. The funny thing is that it wont work from inside my WAN.
Thanks for the suggestion of using an older IE. I will be reloadeding IE8 latter today and I will post the results.
Now I got to find an app that will allow it to work on my NEXUS ONE!
Thanks again guys. YOU ROCK!
I have been searching this site and the web for days with no luck on this one. Any help would be great!
I have the LTD5304 (4 ch stand alone) from LTS and it is work just fine except the remote view. I can access the DVR from within my lan using my laptop fine. When I try to to access it from outside my LAN I get "The webpage cannot be displayed. Most likely cause:
•Some content or files on this webpage require a program that you don't have installed."
Things I know
1. I have the proper ports fowarded because it works on my IPOD touch.
2. My buddy was able to see my DVR from his house so again I assume the ports are good.
3. I am using the proper IP address for accessing it from outside my LAN.
4. If I use firefox it claims I am a Cell Phone using Symbian
5. I have allowed ALL active X to be enabled but still no workie.
I truely think it is an IE8 problem but I be darned if I can figure it out.
PLZ help
I am running XP, IE8, Admin account, latest Jave, all avtive X enabled, port 81 foward ('Cux COX blocks 80).
A little birdie in the back of my head is telling me that the DVR is thinking the laptop is a cell phone but IE8 is to stupid to say anything different or maybe I am to stupid to find the right check box to click.
This is mind blowing frusterating!
Hey all!
I have been learking around here for a little while learning a ton from you all. So thanks a lot for the help. To bad I didn't find this site before I bought my DVR system. There are a lot of seasoned folks around here and I could have used the advise sooner......Oh well...time to make do with what I bought.
Currently running with the LTD5304 from LTS. It is not a bad little standalone system.