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Everything posted by SEANHAWG


    bnc/power pigtail for board camera

    I have a few. They will need some sort of repair though. Some of the wires that attach to the little 4 pin female connector have came loose. If you are good at fine soldering you can fix it. If you pm me your address you can have some as long as you pay for shipping.

    bnc/power pigtail for board camera

    Is that a 4 pin female plug?

    It always feels like..... somebodies watchin me....

    The problem is, he wants to zoom in on a mile. Its hard to do that with a typical PTZ. Most PTZ's are at 122mm max from what I have seen.

    It always feels like..... somebodies watchin me....

    Hi Jon, We come across Pan/Tilt heads once in a blue moon but they are usually pretty beat up and i wouldnt even want to sell it to you to be honest because they are so beat up. We do not have any in right now unfortunately. We dont ever come across any big time zoom lenses though but every now and then you can find a big hawg on eBay. You would need a pretty darn big lens to zoom in on a mile away. Atleast 200mm or more, I would assume probably more than 200mm though. For those kind of optics, you are talking some big money. That Ultrak PTZ that we sold you is about the most typical zoom range that you would see on a PTZ, but you still wouldnt get good detail at a mile and plus that ultrak PTZ housing is made only for indoor use. My recommendation if you really want something like that would be to find a good box camera that you can attach a giant zoom lens to and put it on one of those Pan/Tilt heads that you showed pictured. I will have to say though, be prepared to get your wallet ready as I assume that its not gonna be cheap.
  5. Honeywell is good equipment, but more than likely it was a CNB camera in which you could have gotten much cheaper from CNB. No big deal though if you are satisfied and still made money. Do you have a model # of the camera we can check it out.

    My home made PTZ camera

    Thats really cool

    VCM-24VF Excessive noise

    Hi Rory, Do you think it has to do with the bigger TVL cameras getting distorted when moved to a smaller screen size and that is possibly why the smaller TVL cameras are staying fine?

    too many DVRs.....head will explode!

    If your getting 16 cam DVR, get atleast 2TB. You are talking a difference of a few bucks between 500 GB and 2 TB.
  9. Tom is correct. CNB makes several cameras for Honeywell. They used to be somewhat of a player in the CCTV field but their prices are crazy compared to what you can get similar stuff for from other brands. They bought out a good CCTV company known as Ultrak a few years back hoping they would get a leg up in the industry but they failed on that attempt. Their equipment is not shabby by any means, just expensive.
  10. I'll have an indoor and pitch black test tomorrow.

    Qvis Apollo or AVtech?

    You can also control a PTZ with an android phone through the Qvis DVR as well. I'll let others comment on Avtech's. I have only used one in my life and was not impressed at all, but havent had the experience to test others.


    Simple answer: It aint recording your video. You need a hard drive.

    IR problem

    I'm sure he means the same thing
  14. Anyone have any recommendations for some good handy Multimeters they have used?
  15. We have alot of used Ultrak products but havent seen that one come our way. Can you post a pic?

    IR problem

    Make sure you stick your camera right up to the window of the housing otherwise you will have the same exact problem. To be honest, it would be better just to get an outdoor rated IR camera.
  17. I think the only advantage (if you want to call it an advantage) that SDI has over these new Sony's is the fact that its not IP, meaning you dont have to have the networking knowledge you would have to have to hook up IP cams. SDI advocates claim that is one of their biggest advantage. Basically its as easy as analog hookup. I agree its an advantage, but its not advantageous until they get their prices down. Not real excited about SDI or anything up the coax until they get their prices down for their recorders and cameras.
  18. Hi don. It is in ms word format. Ill send u a jpeg tomorrow when I get back to the office.

    IR problem

    Thats the worst position for an IR camera to be in. Stick the camera outside and you will solve all your problems.
  20. I live for emails, no worries at all. Soundy is right, yes you can. It utilizes the VGA connections. Did you get my email with the intro sheet that I sent you explaining the various resolutions? Let me know if you didnt as its very important. I am sure your computer monitor has "auto resolution detect" but if not, you may have to adjust the DVR's resolution to make it "play" with the computer monitor. If you ever decide to use a TV, atleast make sure it has a VGA or HDMI connection as the BNC output gives the least favorable resolution. You will definetely want to use the VGA or HDMI so your computer monitor will be just fine.

    Dahua Firmware 2.608 tip

    Have they solved the problems for 2.608 yet?

    pss playback - dahua dvr

    That is very odd, never seen that before and I cant duplicate the problem. Of course it looks like your running windows 7 and I run Vista, but I havent heard any problems on windows 7 either. One thing you also may want to check is that your username has full authority on all controls. If that doesnt change anything, Best to contact Ivan at Dahua and send him pics and/or a link to this thread: http://www.dahuasecurity.com/feedback_list.aspx?p=fwyxz&p_kind=4&c_kind=9&c_kind2=192&c_kind3=

    Multimeter Recommendations

    looks pretty sweet

    VCM-24VF Excessive noise

    If thats true than I agree that the camera is kind of suckin but just like other posters have said, I havent seen a CNB with Monalisa perform that bad with that amount of light. Where are the light sources in the second picture? In the first picture you have a bright garage light on but I dont see any light sources in the 2nd pic other than the ones way across the street. All I know is that the claims of these cameras working in hardly no light at all are just false. Having a clear picture in starlight is also hogwash. Most any camera with such little lighting will have noise. The CNB's dont need much light but they still do need some.