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Everything posted by groovyman

  1. groovyman

    POS Overlay with any network printer

    Need a second video output from the PC & clone the display. Or, use a powered VGA splitter. From there use a vga to rca converter, run your cabling and connect to a channel on the dvr. It may not be be 100% sharp, there may be a little blur. But, it's very, very acceptable @ D1. Lower resolutions might look crappy, but still legible. I've had no complaints w/ around 35 installations & multiple referrals. My clients love being able to see what employees are doing on the POS computer as it's occurring.
  2. It's interesting that there are smartphone apps (IP Cam Viewer for instance) that support hundreds of dvr makes & models, but there doesn't seem to be pc equivalents.
  3. groovyman

    Anyone used the EH1008H-4 Nano DVR?

    1 - What features are you looking for that the dvr doesn't have? 2 - Some monitors allow for stretching, some don't. But, yeah, being able to change the resolution would be nice. 3 - DVR (analog) records 60fps @ D1 which is stated in the specs. 120fps @ HD1 & 240fps @ CIF. The individual adjustment per channel is a nice feature though. 4 - I think they do have it in one application - CM3000. Those are the individual components. I like it, personally. For some clients I'll install Remote Console, iSetup and the playback software. Very simple & easy. 5 - Yeah, the smartphone apps could use some work. Being able to enlarge channels would be nice to have, especially on a tablet. I also use IP Cam Viewer for the ability to enlarge the video. 6 - I haven't experienced that. Or, it could be that I just never noticed. 7 - You can minimize the software, but need to enter a password to do so - use the same button used to exit the software. The software is designed for multiple resolutions: 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200. I would like to software to support 1366 x 768 as well though. Password prompting can be viewed both as a pro or con. I think it's silly to ask for a password all the time though. For some things, absolutely. But, for other things I agree, it can be annoying. 8 - No comment. 9 - I think it all depends on the connection method. When viewing from a PC the stream is high quality, however FPS is limited due to the remote upload bandwidth. The software also has 2 video quality settings - high & normal. Need to right click on the video to change the setting. I'm not sure about the smartphone & tablet quality settings. One thing I'd like to see on the 4 & 8 channel is gigabit lan. It's on the 16, but not the 4 or 8, just 10/100. I've purchased several of these units (4, 8 & 16 channel) and have my own little issues with them. However, I have issues with every DVR I've ever used. I've have some running for close to 2 years now and have been very satisfied with them. Actually ordering a couple more today.
  4. groovyman

    2 Monitors 1 DVR? Is it possible?

    Look at Video Multiplexers.
  5. groovyman

    cheap Vs expansive DVR's

    Features, quality, dependability, warranty & support.
  6. I can't find any info on the vivotek fds8134v cameras. Are they IP cameras? If so, you would want to chage their settings as well if direct logon is configured.
  7. Logon to the DVR using the admin account. Do this on the DVR itself. From there you can enter the settings & change the admin password, other user passwords and delete any accounts that you no longer need. You can also change ports the Aver uses, but if you just change the passwords you won't need to change any ports which will result in changing port forwarding on your router. Do you have DDNS setup? If yes, remove it &/or create a new DDNS account.
  8. groovyman

    POS Overlay with any network printer

    One of the reasons I chose to use the Aver Nano DVR was its POS integration, but I find it does not work very well with my setup. I install Windows based POS systems with the Epson TM-T88x Thermal Receipt Printer (RS232, some Parallel). Using the Aver Data Capture box in between the receipt printer & PC, I can capture receipt text, but not all of it. A lot of text gets missed - could be at the beginning, middle or end. And, if the register is busy, text sent to the DVR tends to get backed up and out of sync with the video. I tried many troubleshooting steps (changing baud rates, using different drivers, changing settings in the DVR) to no avail. Utilized my distributor as well as Aver support. Capturing receipt text works perfectly with the Dedicated Micros DVRs I have installed, but those systems are so expensive. So, what I started doing was capturing the actual video from the PC and recording it on the DVR. My clients love it. Viewing live (or playback) they can see exactly which buttons are being pressed in the POS software, along with the itemized listing of product being purchased. I also have a camera on the counter so they can physically see what the customer is purchasing. They can also see when price overrides or item corrections are done. Heck, if someone decides to open Internet Explorer or play solitare they can see that too. It all gets recorded. I still see the value in capturing receipt text and would actually like to have both. But, sadly, I just couldn't get the text capture to work properly with the Aver solution. I did hook up a few AVE VSI boxes - they work great, but on the expensive side.
  9. Here's how Remote Console looks on my 19" Standard Screen @ 1280 x 1024 resolution.
  10. kdoske, this is fantastic. Thank you so very much! I'd like to provide you with a little feedback. None of it is a big deal. The ability to just move Remote Console to another screen is a major deal to me and very much appreciated. First, specs of the system I'm currently on: Intel i3-2130, 6GB RAM, Windows 7 64-bit, Dual Screen - 19" Standard @ 1280 x 1024 - Remote Console does open "in its own window with a title bar that allows you to move Aver Remote Console from one screen to the next and even use a minimize and maximize button like normal." " title="Applause" /> - Window position is not remembered. It will always open on screen 1. This is OK by me as it's easily moved....thanks to you - Maximizing on screen 2 works perfectly, except the word "preview" on the preview button is cut off. Whoop-de-do - Real Time Playback calendar opens on screen 1 & cannot be moved (no big deal - disapears when date & time are selected anyway). Video plays in the Remote Console Window which can still be moved around. However, when switching to full screen, Remote Console will snap (maximized) to screen 1, but can be moved back to screen 2. Same thing happens when exiting full screen. Very minor inconvenience to me. - Download & Playback calendar can be moved to screen 2, as well as the Select Video window (can do this without Aver RC Control.exe running). However, the playback window (I believe it uses xplayer.exe) cannot be moved and will remain on screen 1. - QPlayer cannot be moved from screen to screen. This is expected though (as expected with XPlayer) as the program was written solely for Remote Console, correct? I haven't tried Aver RC Control.exe with CM3000 yet, but I don't expect it to work, and that's ok. Again, Aver RC Control.exe was written to work with Remote Console only, correct? Thanks again for your efforts. " title="Applause" />
  11. groovyman

    Exporting video on EH1116

    That's the way the Aver DVRs work. However, what I do when a continuous video file is needed is export as avi or mpeg and use a third party program to join the segments, or sometimes I'll create a DVD video using the avi or mpeg segments. It's a bit more work, but achieves the goal.
  12. kdoske - appreciate the work. Thanks for sharing. There are plenty of people who do not use keyboard shortcuts and I can see something like this coming in handy. Now, get to work on putting Aver's remote console program in a window that can be resized and moved! That's something I would really like to have.
  13. Pressing the Windows button on the keyboard does not minimize running applications, it brings up the Windows Start Menu and Taskbar in XP, Vista & 7. Windows Logo + D shows the desktop and will minimize Remote Console. However, Windows Logo + D does not work w/ Remote Console during playback when using "Download & Playback." It works when using "Real Time Playback" though.
  14. groovyman

    Multi DVR Software for QSEE Dvrs

    Have you gone to the qsee website to see what software is available for the qt series? CMS version for QT series DVRs http://qsee.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1262
  15. I was just reading an article over at ars technica: 7Gbps wireless transfers and streaming, no router required http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/06/7gbps-wireless-transfers-and-streaming-no-router-required/ "The WiFi Alliance is working on a program called Miracast that will negotiate connections between devices for streaming media without the need for a pre-existing WiFi network or wireless router. Miracast is initially designed for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands but could conceivably run over the 60GHz band in the future." It will be interesting to see how this plays out and how it will affect CCTV. I know today's wireless offerings aren't so great, but I'm thinking it will only get better as the technology improves.
  16. What this guy did was just plain wrong. Anyway, it looks like a cheap CCTV system. This is the type of quality I see with the cameras in those cheap box systems from the likes of QSee and Night Owl. I wonder what the actual color of his shirt is. My guess is black. Many times I've seen people with black shirts, but looks washed out purple on video, very similar to this video. http://www2.wjbf.com/news/2012/jul/02/code-enforcement-officer-walks-home-ar-4075165/
  17. I had a request today for a hidden pen camera - something that can be put in a shirt pocket and can record audio & video at the press of a button. I can certainly google the term pen camera and get a ton of results, but I don't have any experience with this type of product, don't trust reviews and would rather purchase something via a recommendation from someone who knows about these devices. Background story for those interested: The person who wants this works in a retail store & has been getting customer complaints lately. I know the guy and this is very unusual. He feels it's retribution from an ex-coworker who was recently fired and is sending people to the store to give him a hard time then register complaints with the owner. There's video surveillance in the store, but no audio. He's not concerned about the legalities - he just wants the ability to start recording when one of these "customers" starts to hassle him so he can defend himself against the accusations.
  18. groovyman

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    That video was done by a very active & helpful member here who did a first time CCTV install for his home. Actually not bad for a first time DIY job in my opinion.
  19. Yeah, I've experienced similar situations with modems provided by the ISP. The ISP sometimes has no real info, but the manufacturer does. Smart move contacting Sagem.
  20. QSee has its own dynamic dns service. See page 12 here: http://qsee.custhelp.com/ci/fattach/get/68533/1341875750/redirect/1/filename/QT%20Remote%20Monitoring%203-1_web.pdf Essentially, Dynamic DNS (DDNS) will allow you to connect to the DVR with a .com address instead of the raw ip address and you don't need to worry about the ip address changing. If kept in a cool ventilated area, overheating shouldn't be an issue. The dvr manual should have instructions on setting the dvr with an static internal ip address - note that this address will be different from the one assigned to the modem from your isp. it usually starts with 192.168.x.x or 10.1.x.x. There is no cost for an internal, static ip address. Look on http://www.portforward.com If they don't have your exact model, look at the instructions for other models and find one that has a similar interface. Just take your time, and Good Luck!
  21. http://dyn.com/dns/dyndns-pro-free-trial/ Start the tiral, cancel within 14 days and you can keep one hostname free of charge. Alternatively, many DVR manufacturers are offering free Dynamic DNS service built in to the DVR itself and there are other free services available. Just do a web search for something like free dynamic dns and you'll get many results.
  22. groovyman

    Anyone used the EH1008H-4 Nano DVR?

    Go to http://surveillance.aver.com/download-center Click on Embedded Hybrid DVR > EH1004H-4 Nano > Software > Search Download "Web tools_iMatrix,iDispatch server, remote console,ialarm" Unzip & install During the installation you'll see the screen below. iSetup is on the list. Hope this helps.
  23. groovyman

    Anyone used the EH1008H-4 Nano DVR?

    Look for Web Tools on the CD or download it from the Aver website.
  24. groovyman

    Anyone used the EH1008H-4 Nano DVR?

    Remote Console does not allow you to configure the dvr. iSetup is needed. This can be installed via the CD, or download the WebTools software from the Aver website. Note that some setup functions will be greyed out as it doesn't give access to every setup feature - many need to be configured on the dvr itself. This is one of main issues with the Nano. However, I still like the dvr very much and have installed quite a few of them.
  25. Come on - give the guy a break. I thought this was a place where people can come and learn.