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Posts posted by rodqntr

  1. True, I guess I missed the part about 64bit.


    Still, I think there are far less issues and much better support on brand name equipment vs ebay bargain bins.


    Im new on this so I do not know about brand names on this market. However, the iCamDVR device (no cameras included) is around US$90 and it wont support x64 nor Win 7 .


    I got two wireless mini cameras with receiver for US$60. So, I much I am supposed to spend on a device like this?


    Anyway, if you know of a good device feel free to point it out. The most important thing for me the ability to see the cameras live using my blackberry. In addition to be able to record video to my PC.

  2. I think maybe few people will write the firmware patch for others, especially the software suppliers.

    Where is your location? Are you dealer or end user? Maybe I can offer you one software for free to test.

    I am sure the software supports Windows 7 and even 64 bit OS. Of course, support sending email while there is motion alarm or video loss. And some other useful functions, such as multi-monitor, multi-brand of IP cameras supported and Iphone&BlackBerry supported, etc.


    What finally happend with this, I have the same issue with my ViseoSecu device and they also said it wont work with Win 7 x64.


    I am willing to buy the software (including drivers).


