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Everything posted by sjpage

  1. Hi We have 2 8CH AVTECH AVC796D's with Video Viewer we can have 16 cameras on one screen though they are 18 squares taking up only half the screen Does anyone know of a way we can view all 16 cameras on one full screen? I have tried 'Video Server E' it sees the DVR's but does not allow me to connect to them and i dont even know if it did connect that it would do what i'm looking for. We have just purchased three more DVR units of another manufacture and the software provided allows us to run a pc as a server and show all cameras on one screen and move them around we have 5 on one, 3 on another and 8 on the last and the software will show all 16 on one screen - I don’t want to have to buy 2 more units if I can avoid it Any help/advice would be appreciated ? stef
  2. http://www.cpcamglobal.com/support/download/VVR_v0156.zip VIDEO VIEWER http://scorpiontheater.com/videoviewer.aspx
  3. video server client app ? do you know if there is one for this unit i could only find the video viewer The IVM software looks good but will not connect to these units i just get a network failed error
  4. Thanks for the replies Strangely enough this has been the route I have been going down Only when I get the handle of the videos all I get is the white background behind the video I believe it's an activex that installs and because of this you cant copy the video i can copy all the web page but the video never shows up I have also tried decompiling the original html
  5. That’s more or less what we have been doing, using two browsers However the images don’t fill the screen and are no better than the video viewer software there must be some way to access individual cameras as most of the time the video viewer software only shows you what the DVR is playing if you go to edit an area with the viewer you can bring up individual cameras without effecting what is displayed on the DVR unit So you would presume it has the capability to stream individual cameras rather than just what is being displayed on the DVR
  6. Thx for the reply Yes it is a variable of a 9 screen times two on half of the screen , it's actually 1*9 or 4*9 so we get 36 squares for 16 images this is the 264 sata any ideas of any other software that may do the job ? thanks stef