We have 2 8CH AVTECH AVC796D's with Video Viewer we can have 16 cameras on one screen though they are 18 squares taking up only half the screen
Does anyone know of a way we can view all 16 cameras on one full screen?
I have tried 'Video Server E' it sees the DVR's but does not allow me to connect to them and i dont even know if it did connect that it would do what i'm looking for.
We have just purchased three more DVR units of another manufacture and the software provided allows us to run a pc as a server and show all cameras on one screen and move them around we have 5 on one, 3 on another and 8 on the last and the software will show all 16 on one screen - I don’t want to have to buy 2 more units if I can avoid it
Any help/advice would be appreciated ?