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  1. boomerm3

    Using Phone Lines

    It may be a ripoff - but the lines are supplied by the phone company - nothing I can do. To 'create' a DSL link, I would have to invest in a bunch of stuff not here today. And, I would probably have to get you here to help
  2. We are trying to extend our DVR-based security system - 6 cameras. We have 2 'tie-lines' (no power/no dial tone) to the area and want to add 2 outdoor cameras to monitor the area - a vehicle storage lot. The lot is about 1 mile from the monitoring station. Other cameras currently on the system are older (5+ years) and use what appears to be a 'powered-balun' to connect the cameras to the phone lines and another powered-balun to go from the phone line to the DVR. 1. Is the 'powered-balun' the best way to proceed? 2. Do we need a dedicated tie-line for each camera (not PTZ) - each line is $25/month? 3. Is there a better way - short of building a system from scratch? Thanks.