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Everything posted by CollinR

  1. CollinR

    weird experience CAT5E

    Since I have converted over to only using Cat5 I have had no issues and have installed 4 cams on Cat5. Although I must admit I have never installed analog cams and baluns on Cat6.
  2. CollinR

    SD Card to ide

    Windows looks at "removable" drives differently, thats why I originally asked if you were plugging it in via USB or directly into an IDE port. Windows refuses to install on removable media and treats it differently in other ways as well. I think you found another way. (You also often cannot boot USB devices because as Windows loads it will load it's USB host drivers and in doing so all USB devices get restarted. This restart occurs while Windows is loading and since the disk kit is loaded from gets reset as well...) I didn't realize at first that you were talking about the video storage side of a single use DVR.
  3. Thats gotta be a joke, there have been some monsterous threads here about Alnet. I'm not linking them as I am tring to stay unbiased just search "Alnet".
  4. It all comes down to what percentage of the video feed changes, the greater the percentage the lower you can set sensitivity. Assuming a wide angle lens. If you want to capture a cat from 100' away you might as well just record 24/7 as it will be so sensitive it will be recording 24/7 anyway. Also a cat from 100' away will be basically a fuzzy spot and not really recognizable as a cat. Percentage of the video feed is all most of what we do comes down to.
  5. higher sensitivity = more recording This depends entirely on the scene in question, most of my entry/exit cams are within 60" of the target. As such I set sensitivity very low because one someone is in view of the camera they take up the majority of the video feed.
  6. This is a tough one however entirely possibly with a multimedia DVR I have never built one that did time lapse as you are requesting (1 frame per hour or so). Most security DVRs are going to at a minimum run 1 frame per second. What is your budget for the project?
  7. CollinR

    PTZ RS485 on Geovison setup

    Don't use ID 0 always start at 1 and go on many systems do not support ID 0.
  8. CollinR

    Please help me in choosing web hosting

    CCTVForum.com is hosted at 1&1, click in the lower left hand corner of the page. I personally use Godaddy but my hosting needs today are pretty low just basically email and storage space without a bunch of DB or even file requests. Unlimited anything is obviously BS you and I both know it's impossible. There are only so many 500GB drives that exist so it obviously cannot be truely unlimted. Google would be running maps and streetview from their $10/mo plan??? I pretty well doubt it. (BTW, google has almost 400k servers worldwide) So much so Google in humor has offered 'infinity plus one" email hosting through Gmail. Since these guys are not normally full of it it's considered humor and not an actual product offer. http://news.softpedia.com/news/Gmail-To-Offer-Infinite-Plus-One-Storage-Size-50967.shtml
  9. CollinR

    NV3000 with four cameras, slow in playback

    NV5000 will not effect your remote viewing, I have and sell both. Local viewing though the NV5000 will be night and day difference though.
  10. CollinR

    SD Card to ide

    Are you plugging it into the IDE port on the board?
  11. CollinR

    NV3000 with four cameras, slow in playback

    It works better because your router is smart enough to see the external request is really internal and the request never leaves your network. Linksys is one of the manufaturers whose routers behave this way. Increase the upload bandwith for better streaming to remote locations. Cable internet is usually better about this however each ISP's package needs to be evaluated.
  12. CollinR

    Geovision wont acknowledge problem

    I think the problem is actually in the capture chips, the only way around would be a redesign of the card. This effect Avermedia too BTW it's not a Geovision exclusive problem.
  13. CollinR

    NV3000 with four cameras, slow in playback

    No thats just how it works, remote playback is alsmost always limited by the upstream pipe at the DVR end. Since you have DSL that can be rather slow, less then 1/100th the available bandwith as you have locally. DSL is quoting you download speeds, you should be more concerned about upload speeds. Make your cameras set to MPEG4 or H.264 for the best senario but you will only get like 7fps in CIF locally and like 3 in D1.
  14. CollinR

    see the film :-)

    lol we aren't too far from TX.
  15. CollinR

    Is it possible?

    Not to mentioned the short distances of USB. You could use it to protect the DVR though!
  16. CollinR

    Camera to watch entrance/exit of subdivision

    Why in the world would the cams be 200 feet out? In my installs I use 4 cams per shack in the middle of the entrance. 2 are BW bullets on the plates and 2 are decent day/night boxes for overview. I don't have plates on the front so I am lucky in that I don't have to deal with headlights at all.
  17. The manufacturer cost of the chip is $35! So in reality the camera is going to be much closer to $800. Read the whole article guys...
  18. CollinR

    Geovision website integration

    Just use your favorite archiver like 7zip or better yet since it's unsigned just have it be a manual download so the browser won't complain.
  19. CollinR

    Monitors CRT vs LCD

    If you use analog cameras a regular old TV set will smoke all the LCDs I have seen.
  20. CollinR

    Need mini camera with IR filter

    I can get them and even ICR however I doubt your board supports it. They are cheap like $10-12.
  21. CollinR

    SD Card to ide

    Yes and you are better off starting with an industrial CF with direct insert. Don't use the USB units as you go into windows it will drop USB and you will fail to boot. Expect a long drawn out experience make sure you have acronis and your test hardware is basically etched in stone.
  22. CollinR

    Geovision website integration

    The only means I know of require activex.
  23. CollinR

    remote storage of data?

    They are called datacenters and they are just about everywhere, however bandwidth and storage limitations will be costly. Not to mention you probably can't stream as fast as you can capture. Avermedia has this functionality somewhat built in, you can link 2 DVRs or you can build a storage server that captures from many 4 channel systems. This is one of the bonuses to IP cameras, the DVR and camera need not be in the same country much less building.
  24. CollinR

    Federal Background Check Bill for CCTV?

    I am for it but then again my state already does federal searches but in some states you need absolutely NOTHING to install security systems. I have to provide fingerprints as well, that must be taken at the Sheriffs office. I can totally see DNA via oral swab coming next. Past actions could become issues for guys who just didn't get caught before. Like say BTK, we had his DNA for ages but had no comparable sample.
  25. CollinR

    Cat6a networking

    Supports higher frequencies for data, no real gains except commercial uses. No gains for voice, video or control signals.