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Everything posted by CollinR

  1. CollinR

    sms modem

    Sign up at http://ipipi.com just tell geovision to email the address ipipi provides and it will forward it to your cell phone.
  2. CollinR

    How many GV cards can you get in one box?

    Gotcha, thats too bad.
  3. Pretty self explainitory, couldn't find this info on GV's website. DSP and Hybrid help? Both together help? If I have both WTF is the card doing in the first place??? Side issue: Does anyone know of any good REAL hardware encoders that have good software or compatible with the general solutions, maybe something like the Hauppauge PVR500MCE? Software that works with the PVR500MCE?
  4. CollinR

    How many GV cards can you get in one box?

    Have you ever put two GV650-16s (or any other combo for that matter) in one box? EDIT: PVR500MCE is just not cost effective for more then 4 channels.
  5. CollinR

    Motherboard for Geovision

    My pick http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813121240