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Everything posted by Randymc61

  1. I have an old Samsung CCTV system that worked quite well until the monitor went out recently. The cameras all plugged into the back of the monitor using what looks like ethernet cables and the DVR was a separate unit that connected with BNC cables to the monitor. Since I have six cameras with all the cables already installed all over the house (inside and out) does anyone know of a DVR that will use that kind of cable? Ive looked all over the internet and all I see is BNC type plugs on the DVR's, so I don't know If I can keep any of my cameras I currently have. So if anyone knows of a brand of DVR that will accept that type of cable, I'd appreciate the info. Added information; The system is a Samsung ssc14web but at this point I don't think it matters since I am not going to try to repair that unit. I'm just trying to find a way to use my existing camera's with a new DVR, but the existing cameras use what looks like ethernet cables instead of the BNC connections that most DVR's use that I see on the market now. Thanks, Randy
  2. Randymc61


    Hello. My name is Randy. I am new to this site and hope to get some ideas on here for a video system.
  3. I am new to this site and do not have much experience with security systems. I have a Samsung ssc14web that I bought at Sams Club years ago and just recently the monitor went out. I would like to find a very inexpensive monitor that I can use my existing DVR and cameras with. If you're not familiar with that system, the cameras all plug in to the back of the monitor. I am on disability so there's not much money and it's just for home use. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The monitor is a CRT and the screen was turning green, then red, then it finally went out. does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be repairable on the cheap? Thanks