Thank you for the fast reply!
No, they replaced only the multiplex 74hc4051 (but the original was HEF4051D).
There are some news!!!!
So, I resoldered the 74hc4051 since the problem stills present, reassembled all the DVR, connected to TV to check and the problem stills present but I tried to connect the TV also to CALL output and the image is perfect!!!!
So if I connect the TV on MONITOR output the last 4 cameras input shows a bad image, green thick stripes and squared image, if I connect the TV on the CALL output the image is perfect like other inputs!
What the hell drives those two outputs?!?!
Since the image is perfect on the CALL output the AV083 (U34) should be ok I think.
Please let me know what do you think.
Do you have a schematic for this DVR?
Can you send me please?
Thank you man!