I have a 4 channel Networked h264 DVR system. Can view it via my local network with any pc. Can view via any pc that has no corporate firewall in front of it. So network connectivty ok. The system came with 2 mobile applications , one for symbian and one for windows mobile. the app is called qqeye.
I have an ancient nokia business smartphone and the qqeye app works great with this so i can access the dvr from this crappy mobile. (so i know the router/firewall is set up correctly) ((Symbian app))
I recently bought my own private smartphone a nokia n97 mini, qqeye app not compatible with this. So sent the phone back and replaced with htc hd mini running windows mobile.
have tried the qqeye app for windows mobile that came with system, no luck, have downloaded h264pocket and installed , no joy, have then tried dvrh264.jar and jad, no luck. Lastly i have tried too make the ie browser work like a pc ie browser but the dvr tries to install a file called dvrocx.exe and windows mobile does not support it.( the dvr is heavily into active x so no mac support iether)
The DVR itself has no markings at all to hint at the manufacturer. bought from CCTV Cameras UK and was the H.264 Sony CCTV Camera Kit with 500gb Hard Drive .
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks