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  1. as far as i remember, geo control ctr supports 64 cameras across from mutisites, and per ctr can support up to 4 monitors if graphic card itself permits. can't wait to see it... once visited taipei secu show, some small factories are making some fancy dvr... by fancy, they look futuristic like starwars... but, i have to say, customers consider that as toys. agreed with thomas, it's a human factor, lots of customers are using PDP to display many many partitions per monitor... that's crazy since in fact, for the really important one, they still have to buy geo loop card for looping video to a single lcd panel...
  2. true, who really needs more than 80 cameras per project. not many. but it's a good article for sharing info. when you need something, you know where to go recently at isc Geo showed prototype of "control center" ... i assume this new ap is more useful than traditional cms console something more on false alarm, i found a report on SecurityInfoWatch.com interestingly enough, in dallas, the city hall also proposed to fine our residential and commercial clients over false alarms. i wonder if this's gonna be a trend for whole america...
  3. pandorabox2050

    Best quality video

    Geo has a hardware based mpeg2 card, see http://www.geovision.com.tw/english/product/GV-hybrid.htm You can record true full d1 at once, then use its advance backup feature to backup into dvd disc. As far as I know this card is already widely used in those required extremely high quality of evidences, like casinos and banks. So it's real.
  4. Interesing topic on false alarms... It's a serious trouble since many city halls want to fine us or our customers for sending that. Here has links to fine rates in BC and California: http://www.alarmsbc.com/pgfafees.htm Can't say gov't is over regulating at all, but if DVR can't do correct job, can't help instant check on alarms, then we as installers and service providers are going to pay the price Anyone use this Geo Center V2 already...