I have several systems of netpromax, and majority of them use the HICAP50 dvr card. is there other cards on the market that are faster and compatible with the existing dvr systems we got.
there are more than 20 systems that I want to update with the minimum cost to me. I do not want to change entire dvr systems.
The systems are the F204, F208, F308, F716 series. are great, but the recording capability is to slow. I also discovered in the market some new cards HDCAP 100,200, from comart sys, which is the same maker of the HICAP 50 card. if not can a HICAP 100, be a replacement for the HICAP 50. I also noticed the other DVR cards from comart sys.
I want the most for the investment. If there is a higher resolution and fast performer I would prefer the information.
I work for a non-profit org with a small budget.
thanks for any advice