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Everything posted by better_vetter

  1. Hello CCTV pro's. I'm a newbie to this forum and I can't find this exact question/answer anywhere on the web. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am an owner's rep currently looking at two different security system providers. They both claim their cameras are better and I'm looking to get an opinion from an independent source. The cameras in question are the Speco HTINTB8 and the Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L. Specs for both cameras below. Thanks for your time. Speco: http://www.specotechnologies.com/cart/products/downloads/specs/HTINTB8910.pdf Nuvico: http://www.nuvico.com/downloadfile.htm?id=297
  2. better_vetter

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Good stuff, everyone. Thanks!
  3. better_vetter

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Hmm. Thanks. So is there a camera you would otherwise suggest in the $550 range? Anyone else care to chime in also?
  4. better_vetter

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Yes, maybe. Cant really say unless I used them both. Here is a sample video from youtube though for the speco. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tGifADbXFc can find a sample video of the nuvico on a retailers site through google. The video you posted shows the Speco outperforming the IR camera by a long shot. I also found another video showing the Speco during day and night conditions. I do see some grain in the night shots and some pixel issues during the day shots, but the quality seems pretty good overall. I can't find any video of the Nuvico, so I have nothing to compare to. Does the quality of the video in my post measure up to professional standards?
  5. better_vetter

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Thanks. If I'm hearing you correctly, if given a choice of just one of the two models, you would choose the Nuvico? BTW, we are talking about fairly wide open spaces with low light.
  6. better_vetter

    Speco HTINTB8 versus Nuvico CB-HDE21N-L

    Thanks for the response. Would you mind telling me why you don't like using IR LED cameras outside? Is it a resolution issue?