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Everything posted by rapid

  1. Well, here goes..... For the last year, I've been compiling a list of "Tricks of the Trade" when installing video and alarm systems and think this would be the best time to share them with you members. Hey...if there is a contest to be entered.....what an excellent time. This is the first of five posts and all of these "tricks" I have used. And remember, "You can try this at home!"
  2. rapid

    looking for friends all over the world

    Welcome Ramonxie! Enjoy your time at the forum. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
  3. This unit is from Gunnebo Omega and have seen this at trade shows. http://www.gunnebo-omega.com/autosec.asp There are many companies which can fabricate full height revolving security doors which will meet your needs. Hope you have a ton of cash!
  4. rapid

    Intellex DVMS live display rate

    I'm familiar with the DVMS 16000 unit, but was looking in the manuals and found no reference to live display rate. Course it will depend on how many cameras (1x1, 2x2, 3X3, 4x4) you are viewing. As well, if you are using Network Client then you will be limited by your connection. A fast live display rate is a nice to have....the fastest recording rate (and in this case 120 ips) is what is essential.
  5. You'll be looking for an RG-59 or RG-6 size cable.....for 1000 feet I'd go for the RG-6. RG-6 CCTV Coaxial cable, solid copper core, 95% overall shielding copper braid. Cable should be fire rated for your application. Does this help?
  6. "Advertisements and/or solicitations should only be conducted offline (email or PM's ). In other words, please do not conduct business in forum posts. Any post of an obvious business nature will be removed by the moderators."
  7. rapid

    Integrated DVR/LCD

    I've seen this model from Digimerge. I can see the "all in one" application and saving space....would be good for mobile applications where you need no more than four inputs. ....but if the monitor dies.......oh...oh...
  8. Interestingly enough, was looking at the Sanyo VSP9000 touch screen controller for our Sanyo 3716 DVR. I was told they are about $1800 Cdn....not sure if I want to spend that amount of dough. The mapping feature is interesting, but really is more of a toy in my opinion.....I can't see our operators really using them due to the small size. We've slowly started to migrate from traditional keypads to touch screens like Crestron where you can customize your layout and create custom labels. Instead of MON 1....CAM 15....you can create "ABC Printing...Lobby" The downside is you'll need software training from Crestron and others.
  9. We need more.... Embedded or PC Based system? Remote access? Budget? and most important type of application?
  10. rapid

    Cable Run

    W4Zoo, You've been reading! Guess you don't have many choices right now. Skip the coax, and go for unshielded twisted pair if you're going to run them in the same pvc conduit as your 120ac. Pull at least 4 pair while you're at it. There are various suppliers like Nitek and NVT who will have a product to meet your need and budget. Good Luck!
  11. rapid

    Hello from Canada

    Good Day Eh! Welcome to the forum, and glad you found it. Last lobster I had was from Halifax.
  12. rapid

    Thoughts about this camera

    As the boys have already stated, the web link does not indicate who the camera manufacturer is, so you may be hard pressed for service in the future, I do think the price is very low for this type of product.....I'd keep looking for other dealers with similiar products, preferably ones in the Chicago area.
  13. rapid

    Thoughts about this camera

    Thanks...always like to know what the application is before making comments. Note to self.... - power to cameras is 12 vdc 1 amp per camera....need large power supply. - lens supplied is a 6.0 mm focal length....they do have a 4.3 mm which although not wide would be a better choice for the front of your house. - camera rated down to -10 degrees C....is this ok for your area? Do you have any existing lighting around your property?
  14. rapid

    Thoughts about this camera

    Haven't seen this camera before, but reading the glossy it looks good. What is your application?
  15. You're asking for trouble if you go for 80% overall braid...should be 95%.
  16. Have a rural client who would like the ability to remotely see video from his farm while away....problem is, there is no high speed data service in the area....telco does not see any installations in the near future. I haven't a problem with the camera and lighting installation....remotely accessing his cameras over traditional telephone line circuits will be the challenge. This would be used on occasion to monitor status of his farm while away, and in the past we have used systems like 8x8 and Gyyr to access cameras at cottages. Would have liked to offer him some high speed video servers, but now looking for suppliers who are still manufacturing these products. 8x8 (Kalatel) are no longer producing. I've seen the Ozvision system which is a transmitter to a computer (propietery software). The 8x8 had boxes at both ends. Any other avenues I can consider? Thanks guys.
  17. The above product is the Hubbell PS05GYKIT which is a kit complete with: 6 foot polytuff conduit 1/2 inch grey (3/4 inch option) 2 Swivellok connectors between straight and 90 degrees. This kit is commonly used for HVAC systems but works great for exterior camera installations. The swivellok connectors can be adjusted in 15 degree steps to meet any angle....better to look good! I keep of couple of these inexpensive kits in stock for this purpose.
  18. rapid

    ISC EAST SHOW 2005

    2005? Maybe should start a new post for 2006
  19. The above image is a digital interview recorder from Komcept Solutions Ltd in the UK. Anyone have any comments about this unit? We had been recommended this unit and looking at bringing it in for evaluation.
  20. ChuckP For each door you will need: 1. Proximity card reader on non-secure side. 2. Concealed door contact (above door)....or surface mount on secure side. (This is used as part of the access control if door is forced open) 3. Door hardware ....either a door strike, electronic lock, or mag lock in combination with an industrial lockset. (FYI....you can get latch monitoring (similiar to request to exit) built into the lock or door strike) 4. Request to exit detector.....mounted above door on secure side.....if someone approaches the door...the detector will trip and allow egress through door without causing an alarm. If you would like further info you can PM.
  21. Hi Mariner, The Altronix unit you are considering is an Access Control power supply/charger. It can be used for CCTV applications but is lacking in some areas. It has dual voltage 12/24 vdc normally used for 12 vdc motion devices (or cameras) or switchable to 24 vdc for door strikes/mag locks. The backup batteries would supply voltage to these devices in relation to an access control system. In your camera application, it would only supply power for a short period of time (depending on number of cameras connected). So the cameras are backed up....what about the recorder which is more critical? As well this device has only one output (out of the box).....you will need to purchase the PD16W (16 cameras) or PD8W (8 cameras) distribution module. Choose a CCTV power supply similiar to ALTV615DC616UL which would provide: 16 individually fuse protected outputs 12 vdc outputs @ 3.5 amps. UL listed
  22. Mattdb, If you can't find the answer to your question....then change the question (anonymous) This is a CMOS imaging device not like the CCD imagers we see in most cameras. Although there are advantages/disadvantages of these cameras uniformity (image quality) is far superior in CCD. Although the CMOS does offer a compact package and low power consumption, it will have a lower image quality therefore not intended for low light applications. Looks like there is no IR cut filter which is why you are seeing the white strip (you may also see "motorboating"as well). Don't know your application, budget or area you live in, but look for something that is 1/3" hi-res CCD (Sony) with 480 TVL. Lense and IR will depend on your application. Check out "Camera Suggestions by Manufacturer" in the forum. As well, please visit our advertisers as they may be of service. Vitek and SpecoTechnologies are two companies which may have cameras to fit your application.
  23. rapid

    Portland Oregon

    Rory, Your talents would be wasted at ADI....no disrespect to ADI. They turnover personnel like my underwear.....well almost everyday!
  24. Wayne02, Noticed you've had lots of hits but no responses.....I'm thinking your post is too large for someone to reply....but that's just me. Based on your budget of $1-2K, you are asking alot from the equipment. In particular is the capability of wanting to identify persons, license plates. To achieve this you would need high resolution, low light capability cameras which would not fit in your budget. I'm a firm believer of beefing up existing security elements, doors, locks, windows, fencing as part of a security package. I applaud you for installing the alarm system and recommending video as a compliment. " title="Applause" /> Based on your budget, I suggest you risk manage....you indicated that the garage as the key area of concern, so think you should focus on this building. Haven't had experience with the Sentinel Observation system although from the specs it does meet your needs and budget. Did some research on the Eazeo system from Bosch which may work for you, although budget wise it would be over.....you can always check it out. http://www.boschsecurity.us/pdf/EN/EAZEO%5FApplNoteRes%5Fen%2Epdf Perhaps the members have other suggestions for Observation systems if you decide to return the Sentinel.
  25. Check with local building code regulations. Is this a new building or a retrofit? Where I'm from, you don't need plenum rating cabling in PVC (outside) or EMT (inside).