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New Orleans Computer

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  1. I bought a used Geovision GV600 on eBay (it's genuine) but it came with no disk. So I went on to the torrent site and found Geovision 8.4, but there's no installer, just a bunch of Zip files. I have Windows 7.
  2. New Orleans Computer

    Placement and wiring.

    OK, maybe I didn't make myself clear: I AM A MORON! " title="Applause" /> The cam has two wires: A green one with a little box and a yellow wire with a connector that looks kinda like an RCA jack. Am I supposed to take speaker wire and connect the green wire to the transformer? After that, how do I connect the camera?
  3. New Orleans Computer

    Placement and wiring.

    Going off some people's recommendations on this forum, I blindly bought a pair of CNB VBM-24VF cameras without looking into the details. These cameras are more fancy than what I pictured. In regards to placement, how precise do you have to be? Does the camera auto-adjust or can it be adjusted from within the Geovision software that came with my GV-650? As far as wiring goes, what kind of wire do I use and on the little green jack, which one is + and - ? Thanks for the help " title="Applause" />
  4. New Orleans Computer

    CNB VBM-24VF

    Can you sell me 2?
  5. New Orleans Computer

    CNB VBM-24VF

    I want to buy some of these. 504-812-8971 I am a bargain shopper. You have been forewarned.
  6. New Orleans Computer

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    It's about the closest you're gonna get, and without more details from the OP, that's about the best "fit" anyone can give. OK, more details. 1st, I want to only record when there is motion, in day and night. 2nd, I would prefer a camera that will auto-focus and move. 3rd I would prefer wall outlet power, rather than hard wiring. (At least for the inside ones) Now where to order?
  7. New Orleans Computer

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    All I want is the model name of a couple decent cameras. I just had a theft at my shop 3 days ago, but no cameras to see who did it. I'm ready to just bust out a camcorder and a tripod. It really shouldn't take 5 months to set up a CCTV system but alas, here I am.
  8. New Orleans Computer

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    2 outside (under a balcony) and 2 inside. Thanks!
  9. New Orleans Computer

    Umm... What Camera to use?

    Hi, it's me again- Resident "Don't Know Jack". I bought a GV600 and now I'm struggling with cameras. I typed CCTV camera into eBay and got 33,000 results of cables, adapters and accessories. " title="Applause" /> I'm not really picky, but I want 2 indoor and 2 outdoor. All I need is a couple model numbers or something. Also had a question about audio: Are microphones built-in to the cameras or do you place your own microphones?
  10. New Orleans Computer

    How to connect monitor???

    I have this camera that transmits to a receiver box wirelessly The box has AV out via female 3 RCA jacks. (Whatever they're called.) So I bought this monitor on eBay and it came with no instruction. If you look at the picture closely, not only are these connects also female, but the red cable is recessed. What does that even connect to? I tried connecting the yellow (video?) together with an RCA cable and still got nothing. Also, it came with no power supply.
  11. New Orleans Computer

    GV-650 vs GV-800

    They would if they new the difference. Most people don't. They get the card, then plug it in, they install the hacked drivers to make it work with the legit software, and it putters happily along for them recording their two or three cheap cameras. If there are crashes or conflicts, they probably assume they've done something wrong, or that their Windows installation is screwed up (and spend hours running virus and malware scans), or figure they have some failing hardware... Then they'll post on a site like techguy.org asking about the crashes and be put through the rigmarole of posting HJT logs and crash dumps and have smart techs scratching their heads over what's wrong with the system, because nobody outside the CCTV industry actually stops to consider that it might be a hacked card that's causing the problem... PWN3D! Dude, you know your ****!
  12. New Orleans Computer

    GV-650 vs GV-800

    How can you tell if they're clones?
  13. New Orleans Computer

    GV-650 vs GV-800

    What are you talking about CNB 16 channel? Also that guy has 100% feedback and has sold 6 of them with no complaints. If they were fakes wouldn't people get mad? Also where do the cameras plug in on the GV-800?
  14. New Orleans Computer

    GV-650 vs GV-800

    OK, I was shopping on eBay for a GV-650 and the cheapest one I could find was $250. Then I stumbled across this listing: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300467812702 Now, I don't know anything about CCTV, but either the GV-800 is a piece of junk or that really is the best deal in town. I'm trying to figure out why GV-650 (60fps & 4 inputs) $250 GV-800 (120fps & 16 inputs) 159??? I don't get it???
  15. New Orleans Computer

    Best Geovision card for $175?

    Hi, I have a Dell Dimension 9100 and I've pretty much decided on Geovision. I need 4 cameras with software included. One of them records audio so I'd like to have an input for that, but not really necessary. Whats the best card I can get for $175?