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Everything posted by DIACon

  1. DIACon

    Dahua DVR Remote Viewing

    If you connect a PC directly to the DVR, what is the IP address of the PC? If the PC has an RFC1918 (NAT) IP address, like 192.168.x.x then you need to do port forwarding inside the router.
  2. DIACon

    Network Problems.... Latency Issues

    What sort of ping times are you seeing? Is there packet loss or just high latency?
  3. DIACon

    Network video Codec

    By Cutsheet I just mean more information on the device. I'm trying to determine how it streams the image. Most IP cameras and analog to IP conversion type devices use some sort of standardized stream that you can pull down with other applications. If this one uses only some sort of proprietary method you might be out of luck.
  4. DIACon

    Network video Codec

    110 is POP3 Email, For downloading emails with a client like Microsoft Outlook. 25 is SMTP, for sending mail with such a client. 80 is web, likely you can view the camera just by putting in the IP address, but pulling down the feed with another application will be another story. I checked out the manufacturers website, they don't have much information. Do you have a cutsheet or something for the device?
  5. Hi Everybody, My name is Chris. I'm an IT Pro who has over the last couple of years been dealing with more and more types of Low Voltage Cabling. Now that I am frequently dealing with different types of CCTV installations, I thought I would seek out a web forum to discuss the subject on, and figured cctvforum.com sounded like the place to be! I'm looking forward to getting better acquainted,