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Posts posted by Moses30

  1. Hello all - Nice forum - found you long time a go, it has helped me in some of the issues on my Anykepper card


    will have a new project now - need a new card 12 or 16 Ch 30~40fps


    what will you recommend ???

    found some at e b a y some did look good

    #1 was http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5836978986

    just bit too much in the price / but his local in LA

    #2 [edit from mod - link removed due to pirate card]

    price is ok - Client Software included. (Not Counterfeit) but don;t know if it's any good



    our 16ch annnykeepr has a problem it will only record on 4 channals



    what will you recommend ???


    Thank you All

