Dear all,
I've been reading and enjoying this site for a very short time - I'm relatively new to CCTV and am experimenting with my first system. I'm really hoping that one of you guys can help me out.
Firstly, I'm very sorry if my searching of the site has missed an obvious answer to my problem.
I have bought and am testing a KGUARD KG-SHA104 system. It works great, but I'm stuck when trying to access it over the internet.
To get as much info to you as possible, I am connected to the internet via a cable modem to which my router, a D-Link DIR-615, is attached. I have reserved the IP address for the DVR and that is working fine. I have put into place the correct port forwarding details - having changed the media and web ports from their default values to new 'clear' ports (the DIR-615 will only admin on port 80, so I had to change - 2406 and 1012 respectively).
Furthermore, I have created and successfully configured my DynDNS account to match a free domain with my IP address. (
The problem is as follows:
I can connect, using IE7/IE8, to the DVR locally at I am presented with the normal, as expected login screen - from here, when I click 'login' with no password, I can view the cams and enjoy the software.
If, however, I connect using my DynDNS ( or even the WAN IP address of my internet connection then I see the following screen. It almost looks like the same screen, but from here I cannot proceed any further.
Note that the IP address field is now empty and the media port is now '0'. When I click Login, I get a small caption that simply says 'Login failed'. Maybe also worth pointing out that if you look at the icon in the tab heading of the page, this page still appears to be loading - I can wait 20 minutes and it will still show the circular moving 'loading' sprite.
Simply put, I can log into the system through my local LAN using the local network addresses, but if I try from outside the system, I seem to access the server, but there's some problem with the authentication process (I think?).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.