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  1. suzeee

    vga card

    How can I know my vga card information if the vga driver wasn't installed? I tried hardware-->device manager--> vga but it doesn't display the vga type it only says no driver installed. How do I know my vga type and how do I install the driver? _______________________ market samurai ~ marketsamurai ~ marketsamurai.com
  2. suzeee


    What do I connect my Xbox VGA cables audio cords into? Can I plug the thing that merges the red and white cables into one jack somewhere on my computer to make them play through the speakers, or do I have to plug them directly into speakers? Because the speakers I have now only have a plug for the power. And the VGA set does come with that merger right? ____________________ external keyword tool ~ keyworddiscovery.com ~ keycompete.com ~ compete.com ~ webmasterworld.com