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Everything posted by EarlT

  1. Do you have any low light images or comparisons?
  2. I do have a MonaLisa VCM-24VF and yes the night time view is quite good "if" is switches to bw. Sometimes it just stays color and fills the screen with noise. My Sanyo will show an acceptable image at night if there is some light. Moonlight is not enough, but my 24vf can see pretty will with a full moon. I have another brand X camera that rivals the monalisa for similar cost.
  3. For me, I like the higher resolution because I am covering a larger area and want some detail. I have some $150 CNB wdr cams that just don't have what it takes. Putting my HD4600 next to them, shows their lack of resolution. It would take 4 of them to get decent resolution and coverage, so why not spend $600 for a single HD camera.
  4. What model camera is that. Feel free to PM pricing if you don't want to post it.
  5. I can reproduce that problem on both Avermedia and Exacq NVR's. It comes down to the camera/network and frames being dropped or unsent. If I limit to only one HD stream, I get smooth frames unless there is a lot of movement in the image. Again bandwidth seems key, and I think it's more of a camera issue. I run DLink gig switches. Might be that the Sanyo doesn't play well with them.
  6. It's listed in the product information. http://www.milestonesys.com/go/product+information
  7. My understanding is 5 days is the limit with Free Go. To store more days, you have to upgrade to a pay level.
  8. I run mine at 4:3 and can pull 30fps at 1600x1200 h.264. I run at 15fps. It's indoors looking out a window from the second floor at a section of my driveway 200 ft away. Running at jpeg you can get full 2288x1712 but only at 5 or so fps. I stream to an Avermedia PC based NVR and to a test instance of Exacq. It has a sd card slot and USB for a local HD, but I have not used those. I can back out to a wide shot and see storms when I need.
  9. I have not seen an Avigilon in action, but when I set my HD4600 to a white balance of 5600, my outdoor scene looks so much like the real thing. It's hard to imagine something might look better. This is part of the reason I started this thread.
  10. It's odd that they would limit it. Perhaps that will change with a future revision. Then again, limiting third party cameras might help make their own cameras look better.
  11. EarlT

    IR Illuminators

    Looks like they have a return policy so you could try it. If you search here you'll see lots of examples if cheap IR illuminators. Most seem to have a focused beam, which equates to a bright spot. To get decent coverage, you may have to try two or three cheaper ones around the area. I'll be interested to hear what you come up with, since I have the same camera and area I may want to light up someday.
  12. EarlT

    Camera recommendation

    Sounds like you would be better off shopping Amazon and reading reviews. Doubt you will find anyone here dealing with that price level (lack of quality).
  13. Yes I am aware of that. Will ACC do the same?
  14. But can it pull either H.264 or if you want full 4mp quality jpeg? Is it limited like Exacq to what ever you have the first stream set to output?
  15. Lets talk Sanyo cameras and Avigilon Control Center software. Will ACC pull both h.264 and/or mpeg streams?
  16. Tell me more about that price drop....
  17. That must be the total spread across the two streams. I really only need one stream for recording and typically keep it at 15fps or less, so I should be fine if I go that route.
  18. Now that I have looked at the specs, they appear to have the same options as the HD4600, just limited to two streams. That's all I am using on my HD4600 so that would not bother me.
  19. EarlT

    Mounting cameras with exposed wiring

    Not a CCTV expert, but have mounted many a light from trusty ole octo boxes. In your situation I think the box and a short run of conduit would go a long way to protect the wire, assuming the rest could be hidden well enough.
  20. Outdoor. I have an Avermedia NV6420e8 and am running demo of Exacq and just dl'd Milestone to try. I am not really nailed down on my NVR choice. I like the Avermedia, but know it doesn't appear to support Avigilon IP cameras.
  21. Hmm, I guess I didn't look at the specs very close. My HD4600 gives me enough choices. Time to dig through the PDF again. What model Avigilon would you consider a rival to the HD3300?
  22. So how do those Avigilon's compare price wise. I'm looking for an outdoor dome solution.
  23. I live where it gets dark at night (no street lights). I have two WDR cameras that still have usable images when my Sanyo HD4600 dark. But only for a few minutes. With headlights and such, I get decent detail. I have only tested briefly with IR indoors, and it does a decent job, but being a 4mp camera, I don't expect it to be great.
  24. EarlT

    Upgrading from NV3000

    The software is the same. You do need to reinstall it for the 6000 series card. As for using the old data, I didn't have to worry about that, so I don't know for sure. I would check with Avermedia support. They have a live chat during the day that has always been very helpful for me. I bet they can answer that in a few seconds.