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Everything posted by EarlT

  1. Saw your review of the E33 and wanted to thank you for those reviews. Is it possible to disable the IR in them via HTTP commands like I can in a KCM-5611?
  2. Can someone put up real world examples of the Avigilon Adaptive IR at work? With someone walking through the field of view, how does it change? I like that there is some intelligent control of the iR. It may lead to the ability to turn it off and on via rules or alarms. My main issue with ir in cameras is moths and other insects that are attracted to it. Does the adaptive IR help here at all?
  3. I doubt there is much difference in quality. Just better resolution with the 3mp at a lower frame rate.
  4. EarlT

    Post/Pole for CCTV Installation

    How about a secure mail box. Just cut a hole and add lexan.
  5. Maybe I have not been paying attention but on the sidebar of the Swan 1080P camera I saw this.. http://www.costco.com/.product.100039927.html?cm_sp=RichRelevance-_-itempageVerticalRight-_-CategorySiloedViewCP&cm_vc=itempageVerticalRight|CategorySiloedViewCP A pair of Q-See 1080P's for $299 EDIT OOPS, now I see those are SDI.. Nothing to compare
  6. Dahua is getting a lot of traffic now because it's low cost. Just wait a year or two when those same people are complaining that they cannot get service and have to toss the cameras. I honestly think the new ACTI line will move in as the low cost darling for a while. Avigilon will always remain a quality product that cost a handsome sum.
  7. Was the hardware issue just on your camera or possibly more that were produced?
  8. I noticed in the System Information page on my KCM-5611 it shows PT_ENABLE=0. I don't see anywhere in the menus to change it. I tried using*****&PWD=******&PT_ENABLE=1 Is there a doc that list all the valid URL commands? I did read through the ACTi_Camera_URL_Commands PDF from the ACTI site, but didn't find any help.
  9. Silly me. Switched to the TX+/- and it works.
  10. I did try both encoder and system. No luck with either. I was able to use commands for turning off the internal ir ring and power led so I know it does take "proper" commands. I assume I would still use rx+/rx- for control out?
  11. EarlT

    AT&T 4G and port forwarding

    For most vpn to work, you have to know a valid IP. If AT&T is hiding behind private IP addresses, then you have to have a relay server of some type that your inside system keeps a connection to. I doubt dynamic IP hosts would fill the bill. Hamachi is the program we used across the internet for some games that would only run on a local lan. Something like it could help bypass your problem BP.
  12. EarlT

    AT&T 4G and port forwarding

    Back when the playstation 2 was around there was some software you could load on a PC and remote to it. I'll try and remember what it was. You don't need an outside IP. It used a host server.
  13. EarlT

    Help needed on NV3000

    Are you launching the app as administrator. That video driver error sounds familiar but it's been a few years and I'm not sure. I only ran it for a few months after W7 came out. I did build a system for a friend that worked, but using what I suggested to you. Avermedia support was very easy to work with also. Might open a case with them. Check their FAQ also.
  14. EarlT

    Help needed on NV3000

    It's been a while but I believe what you need to do is uninstall the software, then re-install running it with administrator privileges. I believe you also have to launch the client with admin privileges.
  15. I would think the 3mp WDR would outshine the 5mp bullet in low light situations. I think until we see some samples from two side by side, it will be an academic debate.
  16. I saw those a while back. Shame more real world Avigilon examples aren't out there. It does make a good showing of the capability.
  17. EarlT

    Wanted Pelco Esprit

    I don't care if the camera is bad. Just need working positioning.
  18. EarlT

    Wanted Pelco Esprit

    Looking for a good deal on a working esprit. Prefer ES3012 but willing to consider any. PM me with what you have.
  19. Anyone know what Onvif version the KCM-8111 has? I know the new D and E series cameras are running 2.2, but the firmware on the 8111 is older.
  20. Do the new ACTI Cubes allow changing lenses? Stock it says 3.6mm. Looks like you could narrow it a little and gain some distance. I have a similar situation and plan to try a cube or two.
  21. Thank you Ando. Now reading your reply, are the 8211's starting to ship?
  22. I assume you mean it's a D12. It looks quite nice for the price.
  23. TWG, any chance you could stick an Avigilon WDR cam in the same spot to compare against that AXIS?
  24. I was also surprised to see so few 2mp's in their line up so far. E44 looks like the only new outdoor 2mp cam at this point.
  25. EarlT

    1200 feet CAT5 and PVC underground Project

    Look up Ethernet extenders.