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  1. I have a tech company based in upstate NY. Im doing my first security camera system and am looking for a good quality camera system however there are a few catches. The whole system should consist of 1 DVR with Web/Lan capability 3 camera's will be indoors in a heated building however they need to have good night vision. Now the real tricky part. 2 Camera's in the cold upstate ny climate. One will be outside exposed to all the elements. To anyone who doesnt know Upstate NY weather, during the winter it can hit -15 F and is very common for it to be below 0 F. I see camera's that say they will go to a minimum of 4 F so im guessing this might not fair too well in our weather. On top of that these camera's need night vision as well. The other camera will be in a non heated warehouse but it will at least be indoors. However there is no insulation so while it wont get the elements it will get about as cold as it would if it were directly outside. Ive seen enclosures for camera's with mixed reviews. So im not sure where to go from here. Basically im looking for some recommendations for a good quality camera system as its for a business to suit the needs stated above. Also the DVR should be at least an 8 channel. Let me know what you all think. Ive spent hours upon hours reading about all this and I guess I need some people with experience with camera systems to help me out...thanks.