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  1. We have recently had some issues with missing items at our fire house and I am looking to install a cctv system. The good news is I have a guy who is used to working with cameras and DVRs, I also have a IT guy all in house. My idea to save money is to use a 9 camera multiplexer unit and run a single cable for video to a PC to record all the data. The problem is getting both of these guys to understand what I am looking to do and if it is possible. So my question is...can I use a 9 camera color mulitplexer and then just run the video output to a PC with a video capture card that has BNC connectors and have it record all the video from that one cable? Also, if it will record the video, what would the video look like? Will it be one video with 9 little boxed videos, or will it be seperate videos from each camera? As a side note, the only piece of equipment that would need to be purchased is a video card with BNC connectors...the guy has the multiplexer as an extra. Also, since I'm new I'll say hi and thank you in advance for the help and also I am excited about reading up on the other information that has already been posted.