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Everything posted by Dirk_D

  1. I'm wondering if anyone has experimented with endust or other anti-static products, or anything for that matter that helps prevent dirt/grease on CPU heatsinks. Is something like this possible and/or a good idea? Obviously placement is key (sometimes it's not enough), and some cases come with cleanable air filters... I'm just looking for more options.
  2. ENERMAX VOSTOK ECA2020-B This case is the one I settled on due to size & looks, but it doesn't filter the air at all. I'm not sure how effective the air cleaners are, & it seems like cleaning out the filter monthly is too big of a chore for most managers since most times I see my machines they're covered in greasy fuzzy dirt. (restaurant environment) I may have to keep looking if the consensus is that the air filters are effective.
  3. lol guys I like Antec products (a lot) but the 300 is bigger than I'm shooting for @ 18x18x8.1. I'd like to shrink that down to 13x13x7 or so. Most of the machines I have in the field are 19x21x4u (whatever that is). The mini-ATX mbs look small in there, it's sometimes hard to find somewhere to park the big beasts, & customers have requested smaller machines when they upgrade, but I'll just keep looking in the mid/mini-ATX categories. I found a nice case that lacks filtering but looks nice & is priced right - just no front air filter. Regarding the canned air/compressed air/leaf blowers, none of that is real effective when compared to the air nozzle I piped (zip tied to the wall) over to the work bench. It's impractical for the service vans, but that canned air crap doesn't work for zhit, just IME, of course Piping that direct line from the compressor is one of the best things I've done for our bench. For particularly nasty machines I drag a hose outside to keep that crap off of our product.
  4. Dirk_D

    IR repeater system

    I haven't read up on it much, or even thought about it in the last couple of years, but Zigbee might be an option. I'm here to post my own question but here's something to look into: http://www.geekzone.co.nz/content.asp?contentid=1225 (random article)
  5. Dirk_D

    IR repeater system

    how are you TXing the video? Is DVR client software inconvenient here? why not try powermids if you have an IR mouse?
  6. Dirk_D

    Monitor/Operator to Camera Ratio

    I think you're right. 145 pictures on those screens will be tiny. Sounds like one of the Video Analytic experts needs to chime in. GV has some pretty cool software that might help make the situation manageable. What would the operator be expected to observe & how will they react? What are they looking for? This doesn't sound like a gated community but more like a multi-use (retail/residential) neighborhood.
  7. Dirk_D

    IR repeater system

  8. Dirk_D


    Which "JDSU" unit are you using? The first one that popped up cost $3500. My fluke Lan 650 is functional but becoming dated. I prefer accurate VOM meters & I always go with Fluke, that's what I provide my techs too. Now getting them to recognize the value of a K or an M or a G on the screen - good thing there's cell phones.
  9. Yesterday & today I received this message: "You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to enter the confirm code from the image you see below." Seems a little strange to me. The only thing I can think of is some dipsh!t is trying to get into my acount here - why, I don't know. Maybe it's a bot. Here you go Johnny Mnemonic: http://strongpasswordgenerator.com/
  10. Dirk_D

    Is some ding-dong trying to crack my pasword?

    OT: Hey Larry, Can you check out my post requesting the dealer/installer/integrator profile permissions please? I just want to take a peek @ some of the restricted topics to see if I can learn/contribute. TIA
  11. Dirk_D

    Man that was stupid.

    If I need more space I'll drill another hole close to the existing one & then work my way towards the original. Sometimes I'll do 2-3 additional holes (oval, triangle, square pattern). You can get it close & then work at the material with a knife or a screwdriver to make the holes join.
  12. Dirk_D

    Maintenance Aggreements

    Larry is on vacation. Or I'm not a dealer. Or maybe Larry is a dealer & I'm his customer. hmmmm
  13. Dirk_D

    Neighborhood CCTV

    Have you used a Dahua DVR? How is it the same price when the EB1304 SATA+ costs twice the price at ALL US Distributors? And what features? The EB1304NET barely had any, the SATA+ doesnt appear to be much different. OT: Rory, I'm looking for a good, low-priced DVR. Which Dahua model should I look at? I googled "DH-DVR0804HE-S" but no pricing came up, they don't appear to be going to ISC West so I can't see them there. Post or PM links if you would. TIA.
  14. What kind of DVR? I've seen some top brands do this while having manufacturer reps demo the systems - I simply moved on so I haven't had to work through this. If I was in your position I'd first try switching over to the VGA cable. I'd check the monitor settings, possibly different video card (make sure your card is approved by the DVR manfacturer - hardware compatibility is very imporant), then I'd experiment with recoding resolution. I suppose these artifacts are also recorded - maybe you could post an image or video clip... I'm pretty sure you could switch to progressive cameras but that's about the most expensive route you could go.
  15. I doubt the problem is with the cameras, more likely the monitor or DVR. I almost get the impression that you're seeing the interlaced image - I've seen it on a large number of no-name & big name DVRs, but that's mostly on action shots (person walking, car driving, etc). Or you might just have a poor quality CRT monitor, but I guess that's unlikely nowadays.
  16. Dirk_D

    Motion sensing issue

    The motion sensing software is doing it's job. Your cameras and lighting are "rubbish". Get some good IR cameras or improve ambient lighting. Try IDing someone in the dark with your current setup - yes, someone was "clearly" there - that's about all you'll get with your current setup.
  17. Dirk_D

    Weather Problems Help!

    40VA is the highest they go around here, seems if you want a higher rated power supply, the automatic gate vendors are who you should check with.
  18. Dirk_D

    Rhino Label makers

    delete this message (duplicate)
  19. Dirk_D

    Rhino Label makers

    Of course we have several models of ptouch label makers, one of which can print a 1.25?" label - it's USB only, & I haven't figured out how to use it in the 8 years that I've owned it (lol). I bought it to put the company logo, model, & serial # on gear we repair. I've bought a lot of heat shrink lately, & there's interesting looking printers for that I have stumbled across: http://www.buyheatshrink.com/heat-shrink-label-printers/index.htm#K3100 I'd like to find one thats big enough to slip over a BNC connector yet will shrink to ~1/8" like the wires on standard DVR dongles (my use for this 'interest' is not in the CCTV realm).
  20. Dirk_D

    Rhino Label makers

    What I do: 1) use white siamese cable 2) use some super 33 tape (white/yellow/red/blue) & write on it with a sharpie. But really, other than the random "24vac" or whatever, what is that important to label? Not much, it seems, to me.
  21. Dirk_D

    Using a PC screen as a monitor

    this thing's pretty slick: http://www.cabletronix.com/pdf/cctvmeters.pdf It'll power enough cameras @ 12vdc to do a standard (~12 camera) install - using it's power supply to power the camera while you point/focus/help the owner decide angle. Beyond that, you'll probably plug it in while not in use. It also has a basic network cable testing system, just a pin-out (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc). there's another version that incorporates a VOM but really, I'll go to my tool bag & grab my fluke. Not bad for $289. I've destroyed several other pointing tools including the eyeglass monitors (nice), & view finders. This is a workable solution. Yes, it has pattern generators so it can be set at the camera end. I also have a wrist mounted one of these & it's a POS. This one is tried & true.
  22. Dirk_D

    How much is too much

    First thing: why didn't you sell the equipment. If you sold the gear there's a lot more wiggle room. Next thing, T&M is OK I guess, but that's not exactly a contract - not for 2 parties that don't trust each other. Next thing: WTF does a drop ceiling have to do with it? Not a GD thing, that's what. If that makes it easier let them do it themself. $500 for an install is fine, but you've still got a long way to go before you've built your name. Even then, your chances at success are between slim and none. So why don't you hit the help wanted section instead of the services provided? Just kidding buddy, you'll tear it up I'm sure.
  23. Dirk_D

    Motion sensing issue

    Yes, likely possibility is high gain noise. Best, Christopher This would be my guess as well.
  24. Huntec used to (maybe still does) sell cases to Aventura Technologies (now HikVision). It might be worth a call, they made cases that accepted the backplanes. http://www.huntec.com/ I don't recall my rep's name, haven't bot from them in at least a couple of years. They have a 'backplane' tab on the left, and particularly funny is their bad credit customer list Huntec was always easy to deal with. FWIW, we're switching from 4U cases to Mid-ATX cases - size might not be an issue with your customers, but mine seem to like smaller for the most part.