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Everything posted by Dirk_D

  1. DS-2CD3132-I domes DS-2CD2032-I bullets (a total of 20 cameras) Dahua ESDV-NVRX-32 Netgear M4100-26POE When the cameras are plugged into the comcast router, port forward rules start propagating...... at first I thought the router was to blame because as one rule was deleted others were created. The router was replaced, I re-connected my stuff & ~60 rules popped up by the time I noticed. I deleted them all, they stayed gone, then I connected only the NVR, no rules were created, then I plugged the cameras in, & in 15 seconds I noticed the rules getting added so I quickly unplugged the cameras. This is a business and they want remote access, but I need to be confident that their system is secured. The rest of their stuff is behind a firewall. I'm really uncomfortable with this. Do I flash each camera? Other ports created were labeled "civil command" and other things like that. The system works fine as a stand-alone but I'm not confident enough to set up for remote access. I don't want any ports forwarded other than the first 2 listed.
  2. Dirk_D

    New Neighborhood System

    I'm guessing cameras at different houses on different networks could be added to a NVR....just tried it via the web interface on a local machine with a remotely located camera that I can log into with the :correct port added to the address. I used the ddns address :random (verified accessible via standard web browser). I tried leaving the ddns prefix blank, http://www.ddns, http://ddns:port haven't found the trick
  3. Dirk_D

    New Neighborhood System

    Smart PSS (dahua) might have an easy way to record remote cameras onto a remote PC....not so sure about their NVRs. Whenever I install Smart PSS there's always an option to include a PC NVR option (2 checkboxes, smart pss & this other I'm referring to). Most of the devices in this picture are remote DVRs/NVRs..... IPC = IP Camera
  4. Dirk_D

    Need Revo RJ12 4-Pin Pinout

    2: power 4: video 6: common ground straight through cable (1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6). What don't you understand? Now do you need the specs from the other manufacturer too and have someone draw you a picture? I've had to figure this out onsite before - not fun but you're the expert. Right?
  5. Dirk_D

    Boss Spying On Me?

    that's a bad feeling to have I'm sure, especially while living onsite. I doubt the cell phone extender would do it but landlines can easily be recorded. Wireless?? You could get a cheap RF scanner - they're more like toys but it might be a good start. Next, video surveillance of your own - a voice activated recorder might be placed in your quarters so a hidden camera might help there. It's probably pretty boring to listen to all the crap that would pick up. Ethernet would probably make it easier to spy---cameras often have (crappy?) microphones built in - I'm just starting to mess with that. I have 2 RF scanners, one has a definite use, the other is more of a toy. I might get something like this if I was in your situation, or I might just lay off the blow This one's cheaper than mine but it says it has RF strength meter along with a freq counter so it's probably a little more than a toy. http://www.goodswish.com/tm/-p-32559.html
  6. Dirk_D

    DSL - 2 routers - why?

    I connected the 2nd modem to line 2 yesterday & it never lit up.... Download was ~14 Mbps, upload was ~.84 Mbps (lame)
  7. I'm mid install for a client who had to go with DSL instead of cable, and they gave him 2 DSL modems for increased speed. Why 2? What is DSL doing to compete with cable modem speed?
  8. earlier this summer we had some nasty interference on a PA system from a motorized generator at the job site. I made sure everything was OK, powered my equipment with a UPS, everything worked fine. Disconnected & waited for permanent power & it was good. Ground loops can be a b*tch.
  9. As the industry shifts to IP we're all having to become network ninjas. Finally, everything is converging to make it possible: Onvif, the removal of those silly (offensive) "licensing" requirements, increasing size/reduced cost hard drives, and incredible network speeds. I have 2 "Enterprise Grade" lan meters - the best thing about these is they'll show everything that's connected to the network, including things that are on subnets which is the most important part. Fluke Etherscope Fluke Lan 683 (this will also qualify your cables, but it takes over 1 min 40 seconds!) Skip the etherscope IMO & get the 683 (for cheap). I built my own NiCd battery replacement. Last night I saw someone recommend an IP scanner---several free options I saw, and they appeared very powerful, but it wasn't clear if they'd scan for different subnets - probably---- anyone? (I'll try) https://www.google.com/search?q=ip+scan+software I also picked up one of these a few months ago (almost half off @ ebay), the Fluke Cable IQ, after dropping (and fixing) an OLD fluke Lan 650. It's quick! http://www.tequipment.net/FlukeNetworksCIQ-KIT-QualificationTesterKit.html What tools / commands / software are you finding helpful?
  10. someone posted "arp -a" (cmd), & I can't tell exactly what that shows---it doesn't show all the devices on my network or subnets (I don't think so anyway)
  11. Axxon Next is pretty slick from my limited experience with it. It'll do a virtual PTZ on a screen & show the operator areas of interest. Very customizable, very complex & involved too - I haven't been able to make it easy yet but I've only spent a few hours with it.
  12. try a set of Baluns for the video? First thing: Take a cheap power strip & cut/break the ground lug off of it, and plug that in between the outlet & the TV.
  13. well if there isn't there ought to be: Muah ha ha ha ha ha
  14. from an external network try its public ip address with :81 at the end
  15. Dirk_D

    DSL - 2 routers - why?

    is there a quick easy way to explain how it works? Is it like teaming network cards? in my server I have a dual-port teaming network card along with the onboard ethernet port, they're all assigned their own IP and they all just seem to work. I set it up >1.5 years ago, I don't remember all the specifics but it went together fairly easily. I guess the next thing I'll try is connecting the 2nd DSL modem to line 2 (the 2nd & only pair), and send one port from each modem to the switch, and try a speed test before & after. I'll try to post results. If anyone has some insight to share I'd love to hear it.
  16. Dirk_D

    DSL - 2 routers - why?

    That's the term (bonding) - thanks. I was surprised to see the 2 modems. They have 2 phone lines, only one of the modem boxes had a # marked on it that said the main phone #, nothing on the other. I ran 2 cat6 cables to the demarc (shared cabinet for building/businesses), a white/blue pair in one cable for L1 + DSL, white/orange on the other cable for line 2....along with a string. The business owner said if it needed to be bonded that century link (the LEC) would have to do the install, but ha ha ha. I also saw the cable company working only 30' away from the demarc. Kind of irritates me because I just upgraded 5 of their other locations' DVRs to Dahua, right after that they went from 16 Mbps to ~50 Mbps (don't ask me why - required a cable modem upgrade, & the cable tech wouldn't forward the ports), and then they went with DSL here at their new location because cable wasn't available.
  17. Dirk_D

    More for the Installation Hall of Shame

    Placement is everything
  18. Dirk_D

    Rj45 ends

    I never trusted crimped on connectors before I started playing with cat6 (done by me or anyone else). Cat6 has been flawless and easy to work with - very reliable. Someone here recommended monoprice & they kick @ss.... I have it in black, white, yellow, orange, it's cheap and makes it easy to keep different subnets (POS, cameras, phones, whatever) separated. I've had a little difficulty with some cat6, I think it was stranded, but I'm not sure...I do want to pick up some stranded though. I've been working with one of these crimp tools for the last couple months, it has it's quirks but I like it enough to post it here: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=102&cp_id=10232&cs_id=1023203&p_id=2113&seq=1&format=2
  19. that arp -a command is cool - didn't know about that
  20. no problem - I just put in another one today (24 port)
  21. I have a couple of these out there for a couple of months now http://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-ProSAFE-M4100-26-POE-Ethernet-Managed/dp/B00AUEYW5U/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t and an 8 port too. They'll (at least the 24 port) do POE+ too with an external adapter. Seem to be a good quality managed switch so far.
  22. I'm interested in this for the very rare instance where a burglary takes place and the DVR along with the internal hard drive is taken. It's a very rare occurrence for this to happen, and I've made what I call break away hard drives that are concealed....but with those we're limited by SATA. Here's a thread of I think the first time I did this: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=23401&start=15
  23. there's an FTP option that I know nothing about yet
  24. Dirk_D

    NTSC vs PAL

    I guess this is kind of irrelevant, N* seems to have as good of prices as china on their analog cameras.