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Everything posted by Dirk_D

  1. I was thinking more like wifi, but why not micro-usb to ethernet? (pwr the camera with a battery, & use a phone/tablet to view the camera) ....might have to try that unless there's obvious problems I don't see....I have a micro usb to USB that lets me use a wired mouse w/ my samsung G4.... Looks like it might be a little work: http://www.bobjgear.com/which-tablets-support-ethernet.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13118645/anybody-knows-the-truth-about-usb-to-rj45-connector-support-on-android-devices Say you put a 12 volt battery in the carrying case similar to your HVT-2603, throw a wireless router in the bag (with a power switch and voltage regulator if needed), or try something like this:
  2. found it again (got a spam) http://www.surveillance-video.com/accessory-spc-200.html/ They call it the SPC-200, the instructions download as SPC-2000. The part was $30, and shipping via UPS ground is about the same (per item). I ordered 2, not real sure what will show up, or how long it will take.
  3. the only thing that does (that I could tell) is analog video like the rest but it will power a POE camera through the ethernet port. I've been enjoying the tester you recommended. I have 2 other similar (analog style), and many other various styles, but this is the one to get IMO... I especially like the IP Search feature - I was able to quickly id the network settings on an old NAS I had sitting around by noting the logged IP addresses with it plugged in vs unplugged. I ordered another 'toy' to play with.... the Fluke Etherscope from ebay, but that's not exactly what this thread's about: Probably just pack around a wifi router & use my phone to point I guess......, or there's usually 2 techs, and we sometimes just use phones anyway.
  4. I've been interested in these too. I'll probably get one to play with but
  5. I just got the new meter, I was under the impression that I'd be able to view the IP cameras like the analog cameras through the portable display. Is that possible? I've played around with a few things including port flicker, ping tests, network scan, etc, and have only read a little of the manual so far.
  6. if you're (I'm) not smart enough to figure out how to power cycle your (my) managed switch), you could try one of these: http://www.digital-loggers.com/lpc.html or one of these http://www.digital-loggers.com/din.html I saw them mentioned here a couple years ago, I have one on my desk right now I've been playing with.
  7. Word of mouth - respected associates recommended them Laziness / status quo - too busy to research Reputation Price ....in no particular order.... flip side: Why change? Price Reputation Functionality Support Availability .....again, in no particular order.....
  8. What's with the blue in the blacks? This image is from a DS-2CD2032-I
  9. BLC is off, I'll play with the contrast tomorrow. I've adjusted the WDR settings and played with shutter speed (a few things). I should post an un-cropped picture, there's a stairwell that's difficult to see most of the time, and at night, I want to play with some external IR. Sounds like I need to go through my digital photography book again & try to absorb some more. (I've read a lot of CCTV books too, I guess if anyone has professional recommendations I'd love to hear them too. >>>>edit: Please excuse the mess - this is about 8:45pm, sunset is at 8:59pm
  10. You know, I kept trying to look up abberation, I thought I even tried spelling it like aberration. Thanks for the explanation.
  11. have you tried their tech support? https://www.samsung-security.com/support/technical-support.aspx Are you trying to hit it from inside your network? I've set it up twice, first time was flawless, 2nd time there were hangups.
  12. sorry about that - I meant to link a site that had the scp-2000 for around $70, but it's >5-6x that amount from the searches I've put in today. I deleted a flagged email just the other day too that had the original site. I'll post if I find it again (I'd like to buy one myself).
  13. &tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eJeWU8u1MomGogSQpIHgAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#i=15 https://www.google.com/search?q=Samsung+PTZ+controller&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XpiWU-7yBsyFogSc1oLICQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#i=15 Something like this fit the bill?
  14. &tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eJeWU8u1MomGogSQpIHgAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#i=15 Something like this fit the bill?
  15. it stands for Time Domain Reflectometry - I don't understand it all that well but it is used to measure cable lengths, distance to fault (is the problem at this end or that?), etc. I've only seen it used in Micro Scanners (mid end & up) network scanners, and then I saw a device at ADI probably 10 years ago that all it'd do is measure cable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-domain_reflectometry It would be nice if this meter would certify cable 'cause my Fluke LAN650 meter only does 10/100. I've been eyeballing microscanners now & then but I'm not going to get a new one until needed... http://www.amazon.com/Fluke-Networks-MS2-TTK-MicroScanner2-Termination/dp/B0013FGUQO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1402336587&sr=8-1&keywords=micro+scanner+fluke
  16. I just ordered the one I linked (the "T" model), thanks for the rec.
  17. Dirk_D

    Advice on CCTV Tester

    we have a couple of units similar to this: http://www.amazon.com/Monitor-CCTV-Installation-Maintenance-Monitoring/dp/B00DHCDL36/ref=pd_sbs_indust_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=160G449561JJEM43RMB9 they seem to cram the entire 960H into the frame so objects look thinner. I'm not sure on the exactness (over or under scan) of the image but it's close enough to give them an idea.
  18. I'm wondering the same thing.... how effective it is at certifying cable. I do know that it uses TDR to measure cable length (and anomalies), so I think that alone would make it worth it.... Anyone have a link to the manufacturer site? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Free-4GB-HVT-2603T-3-5-CCTV-POE-TDR-IP-Tester-DVR-PTZ-Cable-Digital-Multimeter-/111224011559?pt=US_Surveillance_Monitors_Displays&hash=item19e577bb27 I don't think a remote terminator unit is included (scroll down to the bottom image)
  19. There's definitely been a feud brewing for the last 1.5 years. I'm not a part of it in case that's not clear. I'm just trying to help a friend - I went over there to do some phone & cable terminations yesterday and I saw the extent of the intrusion. It just looks wrong and I know it would bother me.
  20. They've sued each other back & forth, starting with that fence (land dispute for starters). It's a long story and I've heard too much of it already. It seems the neighbors are using it as a passive-aggressive move. It looks like a blatant offense to me and I was hoping someone could cite a law that would help him, and even if not, I'll still learn a little. Serves as a reminder to try to get along!
  21. ? The cameras are pointed at my friend's house, and I believe they're invading his privacy. They have no right IMO to have their cameras pointed at his back yard, in the garage, and even the kitchen windows.
  22. I'm getting into my first theoretical ip camera system and I read about Parallel Networks which I'd have done in the first place, but I'd like standardize a little if possible, so please help me out if you can. Maybe I'm wondering about the capabilities of Managed Switches - I know they have routing capabilities that I don't understand. I was thinking that maybe I could have all the cameras across my systems IP addresses somewhat similar, like = managed switch = camera 1 camera 9 = camera 16 ...and so on. I'd like it like this to make for easier serviceability and no chance of conflict with customer devices. So say the customer's network is, I suppose I could connect a router (or maybe a hardware firewall) between my switch and theirs.... I have a Firebox & a Sonicwall to play with here too- maybe I should start there.
  23. 2.8mm is probably your best bet. I have a few different lens combos of similar cameras on hand and on order.
  24. so much to learn http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/33757-42-computers-seperate-subnets-communicate-another http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuring-multiple-network-gateways#1TC=windows-7