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  1. Gv system is getting the POS text data, it is in the log. BUT, it cannot separate the transactions. I have tried transtopedit many times but doesn't seem to work. The printer is Citizen not epson, I am using ######Americanascii or something (can't remember) in the codemapping section (which is the only way it will log text with correct characters). For Transaction Stop, I used "RECEIPT" which is on the last line of every transaction. However, this is not triggering a Stop Transaction. What's up with THAT! Any ideas guys? Any thoughts are much appreciated.
  2. jalltec

    Geovision 16 CH 1480 Setup

    SAL, regarding the Merit Lilan ptz, is it compatable with Geovision's Object Tracking feature? Their website shows many ptz's they support but I have only seen them mention 2 camera's for object tracking. I would be very happy to find that the model you linked to would work. Have you used it with Geovision object tracking? I have never used ptz. Object tracking is too interesting, I really want to try it out! Also, I was wondering if geo object tracking could be done with a zoom only. The idea is for it to zoom in on a subject as they trigger the motion zone at the front door for a few seconds, then to automatically return to wide angle ( to watch the entire room. Here is the zoom cam link:http://www.digitalwatchguard.com/securitycameras/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=541&idproduct=1588[/b]
  3. I should have saved this file somewhere safe the last time I downloaded it but I didn't. Now that I need it again the download links aren't working. Does anyone have a copy or know a working download location for Geovision's transtopedit.exe program for POS tweaking?
  4. I have connected the cables to the POS, printer, DVR serial port, all o the GV Data Capture box. It is ON (red light) and the Ruby POS is printing to the printer fine. I am getting nothing on the DVR or in Hyperterminal. I have called the people who put in the POS and they have given me the following parameters for the POS's com port (going to printer). All settings in GV800 software seem to be right. I believe my serial port (only one) is com 1. Do you think this is right? What are the usual downfalls with setting this up? Please help!
  5. jalltec

    problem in GV-800 Thers no audio in record

    1. In live view mode from server.....I speak, small delay, I hear through speakers. wasn't planning on doing "wave out" anyway. 2. In playback mode on server (recorded video)........sound seems to be synced up just fine...basically normal. 3. In webcam mode (on the lan).....is when I get the popping. 4. Couldn't get my buddy to pull up webcam tonight from his house, so I could do a remote test yet....having unrelated remote issue with router/software. 5. Reffering to gain adjustment in geovision software......If gain is 5 or more there are serious realtime problems (feedback?), and there seems to be no volume diffrence with gain from 0-4. So I was going to leave it on 0. Anyway, 0-4......same problem. 6. Disconnect MIC from server (no MIC)...............same problem. 7. LAST BUT NOT LEAST (I really don't want this to be the problem)..... I am using a cheap powered mic I ordered from Palmvid for about 25 clams. Looks about the size of cellphone earbud with rca connector and power connectors (comes with 12v PS)( MIC does not have gain control). PS....just remembered the geo manual diagrams didn't match my gv800card version, so I had to guess about hooking up the audio card cable. It came with (2) a two wire "jumper pin type" cable, and a 5 wire keyed white plastic connector, which had a perfect mate on the card. I used the later. I think my gv800-4 is ver 3.0 or 3.1??? PPS. If we can solve this I'll be on top of the world. Just solved my TV out video problem tonight. If I find an appropriate place on the forum, I hope it could help someone else.
  6. jalltec

    problem in GV-800 Thers no audio in record

    Monitor Sensitivity is set at 10 Gain Control is set at 0 It records audio.........only problem is when you try to listen to audio on webcam server. In geovision webcam gui, you click on the speaker icon to enable sound (from server). THAT is when i get the popping sound. I tried changing the audio codec to the lower one and all that did was slow the popping sound slightly.
  7. jalltec

    problem in GV-800 Thers no audio in record

    Audio seems to work fine in recorded video. The problem comes in when I log into web server, in multiview. As soon as I click on the speaker icon to listen to audio from the server, all I hear is "popping" , like one every half second. Setup: p4 2.6 MSI mobo Intel chipset 1 gig ram only 2 cams hooked up now (others not enabled). 1 audio input on port 1. I get this on both of my pc's located here on the lan. Haven't test from completely different sight yet. Just had one idea. I'll try to change the codec. Any ideas guys? PS...... it happens even with the audio mic unplugged from the server. So I don't think it is the MIC.
  8. jalltec

    sms modem

    Smarty, thanks for the idea. I am a newbie and so far that hadn't occured to me. I tried it and it works like a champ! I rcv'd the alerts SUPERFAST! One question though. Geovision allows you to attach an image to the email and this shows up as excrypted garbage on the text. Is there a work around, that you know, to rcv the entact .jpg? I'll try it as a .png but doubt it will work.
  9. jalltec

    Geovision 800 - 16channel card on ebay - LEGIT???

    Thanks for the response guys. I did NOT buy that card. I ordered from Pal**id. Waiting for tracking#. I hope they are reputable. At least the people on the phone were articulate. I called one other place and the guy could hardly form coherent words. Needless to say, didn't buy.
  10. What do you guys think/know about such discount ebay sellers? I want the real deal, but I don't want to pay more than I need to. Anyone will real experience. here is url of auction: [edit by mod - link removed] Thanks in advance.