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Everything posted by vector18

  1. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    do not use www in front of no-ip.com, use port 80, that is what your DVR uses to send info to no-ip, device alias is your domain name in full, for example, mkstretch.no-ip.com, user name and password is the user name and password to log into no-ip
  2. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    Numb Nuts!!!!!!!
  3. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    For the server IP, you can either enter no-ip.com or, you ping no-ip, you will see the actual IP of no-ip.
  4. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    You shouldn't have to change anything in your router. Go to the settings in the DVR and under network you will see ddns. Find where they entered dvrdydns info and change it to your no-ip info.
  5. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    Are you near Fresh Meadows? I can stop by and set it up for you if you want and than show you how to for the future.
  6. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    Same here, who installed it for you? I used to work for a company that installed ic realtime and used dvrdns
  7. vector18

    CCTV Remote setup

    Where are you located?
  8. vector18

    I´m getting confused in finding a system

    Without a question of a doubt, upgrade your internet service! If you attempt to view or playback anything away from your house, you will be very dissapointed with IP megapixel cameras. If DSL is the only thing available in your area, I would consider changing your mind and installing very good analog cameras and a DVR.
  9. vector18

    Puzzled to find a camera

    Maybe you should try to contact Lorex....................
  10. It doesn't make sense if thats the way they record. Than only the first hard drive gets used once? If and only if that is the actual case, I'd rather throw in the largest single hard drive. But hopefully, someone has the answer to how you should set it up so they are redundan
  11. Than that rules out bandwidth. Why do you have the cameras set for dhcp? You should keep them static but out of your dhcp range. And if it was me, I would keep only one camera plugged in and see if you ever have a problem. Or, power the cameras with transformers and get rid of the POE and see if you have any problems again.
  12. vector18

    Denied access to surveillance

    If my building wouldn't allow me access to their security camera footage after my vehicle was burglarized, I would ask them why even have security cameras to begin with if you won't review footage of my property being vandalized? It's not like you parked your car on a public street in front of a building that you do not live in and the next day you knock on their door asking to review video footage from their cameras because your car was vandalized outside their building. You live in your building! I would definitely make a huge stink and sit in on the next board meeting and ask why we have security cameras!
  13. I think you have misunderstood my question. I want to know if you experience this issue when you are on your own network. And I want to know if you experience this issue when you are remote logged in to your cameras from the outside world. I'm not asking if you have tried both at the same time, LOL.
  14. Do you have this problem when you are remote viewing and local viewing on your own network?
  15. vector18

    Make me an offer

  16. vector18

    what make is this

    Take the hard drive out and smash the DVR to a million pieces. Take a pic and post it.
  17. I just add two zeros and go with 8000 usually.
  18. vector18

    Is this a ground loop issue ?

    You can use a whole roll of tape, that will not stop water from getting to the connector. You should put those connectors in a weatherproof housing of some sort and get some silicone.
  19. ISP's usually block port 80. Try changing the http port to something else.
  20. vector18

    Honeywell HRG4

    All you need to be is a licensed company with a tax ID. You can install plumbing and still get an account with ADI.
  21. vector18

    Puzzled to find a camera

    check this out http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&sku=589906&Q=&is=REG&A=details
  22. vector18

    Puzzled to find a camera

    This guy has 4 of them and wants 175.00 for all four. http://phoenix.bidbut.com/a,56,1413322,Lorex-SG7518-WeatherproofNightVisionColorCamera-50Mesa-ValVistaSouthern.htm
  23. vector18

    Puzzled to find a camera

    Shock, why don't you cut the wire, use baluns for video, and you should have either a common ground or a pair for power and a pair for the mic? Than you can use any camera you want. As for the speco, what series is it? If it's a TL series, the password for admin is 1234 and user is 4321. http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Lorex-SG7518-Day-Night-IR-Bullet-Camera-With-Audio/3388923/product.html Overstock is out of stock, but could email you if they get any. http://www.hearmeclear.com/sg7518.html They might have in stock.
  24. Personally, someone telling me to make a decision already because he has plenty of business, I do not want doing work at my house! There should be plenty of other companies you can call for an estimate, no? Do you have friends that have camera systems that were happy with their install? Maybe your right, find a reputable electrician to do the wiring and mounting, than you take over the networking so you gain the experience in case you need to trouble shoot for the future. Good luck, let us now what happens.