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Everything posted by vector18

  1. I do know my products and I never said you wouldn't need PSS and I personally do not have a problem with PSS as I have already mentioned. Sorry, it will not make you coffee. And how much does a higher end NVR that you use cost that can record 128 channels? Maybe you don't know how to use PSS, but it plays back multiple cameras just fine for me and not one of my customers have ever had an issue. It is just your opinion if it takes for ever or not. Please tell me in clear words what you mean by I have to think of the systems security as well. Give me an example of security difference between the system you install and a Dahua system.
  2. Just curious what you mean here do you not pass the savings to the customer or do you charge what "equivalent" brand names would cost but supply Dahuas. I charge what I feel is a fair price for what the customer wants or needs. I don't figure my prices saying to myself an ACTI camera costs about 500.00 and an equivalent dahua camera costs about 300.00 so my price will be 200.00 less? Who would price give estimates thinking in that way?? But nice try trying to make me look bad.
  3. I buy my equipment from a local distributor. Yes, I have a tax ID and I have my own small company, but I do work for someone full time. My boss is fully aware that I have my own company. So, please tell me by owning my own company why I would purchase more expensive cameras? I'd love to know why making more money is bad and do not tell me so I can write it off. Tom, what do you mean what is he going to run it on? What do you have that Dahua does not? If he doesn't want a super dahua nvr, he can group his IP cameras in sections and run multiple nvrs and get a server and run PSS. Please tell me how PSS is not up to par? It does everything I need it to do to record, playback, and back up video footage. What else do you need it to do? Your laundry? Every one of my dahua nvr's or dvr's all record every channel at 30fps, what does yours? Now, if he wants support, he could purchase IC realtime, which is really dahua products, and have full tech support. I get my tech support from my local distributor if I ever have a question about anything. So far, I have read from the two of you, he doesn't own his own company, so he doesn't know, dahua is under par, our equipment is better, he needs fps, dahua are cheaper cameras than ours, blah blah blah. Please, if your going to post anything, post some actual facts. Thanks.
  4. You know whats funny, where I work, my boss has us install Acti cameras. I see what he pays for them and I see what the customer gets when we're finished installing a system. I laugh every time because I log in from home at his cameras and than I log on to one of my dahua cameras, and depending on lighting, height of camera, location, etc, for the most part, my Dahuas look better. I just don't get it, why pay so much more just because of the name?
  5. I have to disagree totally with you. First of all, Dahua cameras are not the same quality as costco cameras. Secondly, costco is not selling 2 and 3mp domes. They are selling those bullet cameras. Thirdly, the casino owner CANNOT install cameras himself and if he did know how to, he probably has enough money to pay someone else to do it anyway. Fourthly, I DOUBT the owner of the casino in trinidad is going to be searching around the internet to try to find out how much his installer actually paid for the cameras that were just installed. And lastly, with the incredible picture he would be looking at on his screen in the security booth, he most likely would be too busy patting the installer on the back and writing a big fat check over anything else. And on another note, if you search enough, you can find out the price on ANY camera or brand if you search around enough, so that crop of installing something that your customer cannot find out the price is just bull. AND..........if you want to look at it this way, if he really can't find out how much the camera is worth (if he really wants to know), and he can't find out about the ones you just installed, than he might even feel that you are ripping him off with junk that he can't even find on the internet!
  6. I think people think dahua cameras are lower quality because they are less expensive than other IP brands. At this point, I have MANY IP Dahua systems out there, and NOT ONE has crapped out, given me a problem, failed to work, produced a poor image, unable to log in, recording issues, NOTHING! Not one problem with Dahua products and I am saving tons of money compared to others spending 400,500,600, and even up to 700 dollars for megapixel cameras.
  7. Give me 15,000usd and I'll fly to Trinidad and upgrade all the existing cameras and install an NVR!
  8. Since you already have analog, it's up to you. Are you able to replace all the cables with cat5? If not, than upgrade to an hd-sdi dvr and hd-sdi cameras. Is that 10,000 USD every month? I'm not sure what you mean 10,000 a month. If that is your allowance to spend, or your maintenance fee, than do whatever you can up rerun the wires and put 2mp cameras for this casino. As far as brand and model numbers goes, IMO, best bang for buck is Dahua. Others in this forum would chose other brands so like I said, it's your own preference and what you already know. Again, if your a surveillance manager for a casino, and earning 10,000 a month, you 'should' have some sort of experience already with IP, no?
  9. What is your budget? What does the casino manager want? I would suggest one 2mp IP mini dome above every table, one 2mp IP mini dome per 3-4 slot machines, either 1 super NVR or multiple NVR's with multiple monitors, huge hard drives, UPS back ups, and a few PTZ's here and there. As far as brand and software, that would be your personal preference from your previous experience. I'm assuming your have experience considering a casino hired you to install their camera system?
  10. Not sure if your idea will with with mobile viewing, but I just think if an ISP is blocking every single port or traffic coming in, than the best solution would be change ISP's or contact the current ISP and ask to unblock one port for remote view. You are paying them for a service, I don't see why they would say no to you?
  11. vector18

    SUPER NVR!!!

  12. vector18

    SUPER NVR!!!

    500 dollars for a DVR that records 128 cameras? What world are you living in?
  13. It's killing me not to chime in on this one!
  14. Can you get your hands on a balun with a built in ground loop isolator?
  15. It must be me, cause I read that he already used rg59 for some cameras and is running cat5 for this long run. He never mentioned IP or ethernet. So, who gave him bad advise? I told him 2x that he could just splice the wire if he's not using it for ethernet.
  16. buy 1000 foot roll of cat 5
  17. Sometimes the travel cable has multiple pairs of wire for different uses. Have you tried looking into that? Or tried using baluns with a pair in the travel cable?
  18. vector18

    Anyone put these in club/bar yet?

    I've put a ton of those smiley faces in clubs and bars! They help me pick up chicks.
  19. vector18

    Help identify 16Ch DVR please!!

    almost looks like an old samsung, but I'm sure it's not
  20. vector18


  21. it shouldn't be a problem, if your running an IP camera or a computer using ethernet, than you want the cat5 to remain twisted the entire length, but just video shouldn't be an issue. Luckily, if the image is not up to par, you can go back to the splice and connect two cat 5 jacks on each end of the wire and connect them with a patch cable and see if it helps. If the image is perfect by just splicing it as I mentioned, than call it a day, go home, kiss your wife and kids and enjoy life.
  22. vector18

    watch cameras all over the house
