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Everything posted by vector18

  1. Your not going IP cameras so you don't need the cat 5 to stay twisted the entire length. Just splice a new piece to the end of the old and make sure you use the proper baluns.
  2. Most domes have threaded holes so you can come up from the lower part of the building with conduit and put a connector on the end of the conduit and thread it directly into the camera.
  3. About a year or two ago, when I went on an estimate, I would take my laptop and show them an IP system and an analog system. I would give them a price for analog and a price for IP. The other day, I went on an estimate, and I just gave them one price for cameras and told them they would be very pleased with the images. I will be using IP megapixel cameras for that job and the price was pretty much the same as I used to price out analog jobs. From now on, I want every customer telling their friends how pleased they are with their images from the cameras I chose to install for them. For the small extra you will spend, there should be no reason to use analog anymore.
  4. Is it finished charging yet? If not, than its a piece of junk. If it is finished, why not just test it out and build ur own opinion on it? I was just kidding about the lights, btw.
  5. I can't think straight, all I see is flashing police lights.
  6. vector18

    FS: CNB VCM-24VF 600TVL

    1.Very nice clear picture 2.Anyone spending 125.00 on an analog camera, should research around and know what the camera is worth especially before purchasing a used one on the internet. I doubt he lowered your chances of selling it any more than you had to begin with.
  7. vector18

    Dahua DVR No-ip problem

    Ask your customer to open their web browser and goto ipchicken.com. If you changed the http port to anything besides 80, than open explorer on your PC, enter the IP that ipchicken gave them, and colon http port. Example
  8. vector18

    Connecting DVR to network

    You can't always get what you want in life. How old is your DVR or how much did you pay for it? It must be pretty old if it does not have an ethernet port, so you got your money worth out of it already. Maybe it's time to upgrade to a better DVR with better recording resolution and ethernet. How many cameras do you have? You can find a four channel pretty cheap these days.
  9. vector18

    Connecting DVR to network

    If the dvr does not have an ethernet port than it will not have network settings as well. You can purchase a video encoder and put the video output to the encoder, but it you will not have access to the dvr functions.
  10. vector18

    Stuck with view cameras remotly

    In the dvr settings make sure your entering an http port, disregard tcp or udp for now, those are for mobile devices not computers. In the router just click tcp, but that will work with the http web port that you configure in the dvr
  11. vector18

    Stuck with view cameras remotly

    Try something like 8000 and than try canyouseeme.org. But like I said, make sure its the http port, not tcp,udp, or rtsp.
  12. vector18

    Stuck with view cameras remotly

    You need to forward the HTTP port if your going to use internet explorer on a PC. The UDP is not even used. I'm not sure about the samsung, but you might have a rtsp port for mobile devices. But, look in your network settings for HTTP and forward that to the dvrs IP and than make sure you enter http://192.168.1.X:http port.
  13. vector18

    Dahua DVR No-ip problem

    Can you take a screen shot of your ddns page in the dvr?
  14. vector18

    Mounting Dome - Power Connector?

    There is no problem at all putting the 12 volts wire in that connector. If your a paranoid maniac, simply wrap it up with electrical tape after you put the wire in it.
  15. What brand dvr are you using. What is your sub stream resolution set for?
  16. vector18

    Local pick up NY only

    I have two rolls of siamese 1000ft each and two rolls of 500ft. I also have 1000ft roll of 350mhz Cat5e. If interested and in NY area, email or pm me.
  17. For now, I'm asking for offers. This camera wholesales for 1500.00 so please be reasonable with offers. It is slightly used, only used for testing purposes on my own balcony. Let me know what your willing to spend and I'll let you know if I'm willing to sell or not. Click on the video for a daytime video sample of the camera.
  18. I'm selling this on ebay. Email me if interested. http://www.ebay.com/itm/140900710184?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  19. vector18

    What test monitor do you use?

    Sometimes I put the DVR online and than turn on my iphone and remote log in using my iphone to focus. If you can focus it remotely, when you view it live onsite, it definitely will be clear! You just have to remember the few second delay when remote viewing on your iphone. It's alittle cumbersome, but it works just fine sometimes especially if the camera is mounted, and there is no access to any front ports or the bnc output.
  20. vector18

    What test monitor do you use?

    Did you take that pic with the broken monitor? Cause I don't see anything!
  21. vector18

    Port Forward - UNSUCCESSFUL

    Try to reboot the DVR. I've recently had two times where canyouseeme gets a response and if I try to log in remotely, it times out. I just rebooted the DVR and it worked, both times.
  22. vector18

    What test monitor do you use?
