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Everything posted by vector18

  1. vector18

    My Dahua 1080p 2mp PTZ IR camera for sale

    It weighs about 30lbs and it's big. You neighbors will definitely see what your exactly looking at with this camera.
  2. vector18

    My Dahua 1080p 2mp PTZ IR camera for sale

    I could do 800.00 plus shipping depending on where it goes. No trades.
  3. I finished this job on saturday. One day with a helper. We piped all outdoor cameras and used Sony Effio 700tvl vandal domes with 21 IR's and DNR. I turned the IR's off for the two in the lobby since there is sufficient lighting. I might try to turn off the IR's on the outside ones just to test it out. The DVR is a chinese brand that uses PSS software and/or internet explorer. I can also view them from smart phones using IDMSS app. The DVR is full D1 main stream and recording and CIF for the extra stream. I also have a terrabyte drive in there. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. The attached image is from remote viewing from my home. Local connection is via HDMI to an HD monitor in the supers apt. Any critics if something can be better, feel free to let me know, thanks.
  4. vector18

    My Dahua 1080p 2mp PTZ IR camera for sale

    No offers? Should I try fleabay?
  5. vector18

    Help with cameras photos need input.

    Agreed, 1 and 2 are not level.
  6. How many cameras do you need to convert?
  7. vector18

    ir not working fully

    If you don't want to run a new wire just to see if thats the fix, pull the camera down and bring it to the DVR and plug it in locally and see if the IR's work fine than.
  8. You start by telling us what equipment you have.
  9. vector18

    Thanks to everyone here

    It was nothing
  10. vector18

    Night Photo Problems

    Such great helpful advise six9six. The OP is sure to fix his problem now!
  11. Http://www.throw out your PAL camera and buy an NTSC.com
  12. There is an adaptor, buy an NTSC camera.
  13. vector18

    How to wire my DIN 6 pin cameras to pc

  14. vector18

    Night Photo Problems

    Can you see the bright light from the siding? The camera is placed poorly and you have IR light reflecting back into the camera as many others have already mentioned. A type of wire does not cause IR reflection.
  15. vector18

    Night Photo Problems

    Maybe the lines are there cause you have two first names?
  16. vector18

    How do you watch your footage?

    I just lower my head and my feet are right there.
  17. I think I would go with a hard wired PTZ and a wireless kit something like this one. http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/495808277/2_3KM_2_4GHz_wireless_PTZ.html
  18. Ummm, you can also access analog from anywhere.................
  19. Why in the world would you think the camera would power the LCD or vica verca??????
  20. IP is going to give you a higher resolution and more detail. What is your budget and how many cameras are you estimating?
  21. vector18

    Cell phone camera as surveillance camera?

    If you think you are electronically capable of doing something like that, why not just try it and see how it comes out rather than asking a forum?
  22. https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=digital+channel+modulator&oq=digital+channel+modulator&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i5i30l2j0i8.1616.7599.0.8482.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=98e3c25732cb68a3&bpcl=39314241&biw=1600&bih=793
  23. Brand new in box. Pakedge enterprise edition ultra high powered wap-w3g. Price is 300.00 and free shipping.
  24. If I know the ddns domain name of my customers DVR, is there way I can use IE to display the actual external IP numbers rather than the name of the domain? What happened was I was fooling around in my ddns website and I accidentally updated every customers IP to my modems IP address. And for some reason, the DVR's out there are not changing the IP to the ddns server. So, if I can manually enter the customers IP in the ddns website, they can log in remotely again.
  25. vector18

    Remote & Mobile Access To DVR

    Your HTTP port is for when you use internet explorer and you must have http:// in front of your URL. And after your URL you must enter :port#. EX http://joeshmoe.nvrdns.com:8000. Your TCP port is what mobile devices use when they log in to the dvr. The two ports MUST be different so the DVR can distinguish if a computer or a mobile device is logging and and will know how to respond to it. The DVR lets mobile devices log into the extra stream which is a lower resolution than the HTTP port because the DVR knows that a mobile device will most likely have a smaller screen and be on a 3g or 4g network, not high speed broadband.