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Posts posted by vector18

  1. You definitely would need written consent from each and every parent and every year for as long as those cameras are in there.

    The first parent that finds out their child was video taped in class without their consent and if they have a problem with that, be prepared to shell out a ton of money.

  2. Did they increase the bit rate from 32 to 64 on the 52xx? In my opinion the processer has to be upgraded to perform the increased fps. Based on the os stats I see on the 3216 with the same processer, I do not see how it could support more than 32 mb/s


    I actually emailed that question to Tina at DSD a few times and every time she replies she changes the subject and tells

    me something good about this new NVR. I actually ask her why she nevers answers the questions I ask or if she can

    have someone technical to answer my emails. Gotta love it, lol.

  3. What you say makes sense. I ordered a full D1 dahua dvr on e from my local distributor and when I set it up at home, I noticed the extra stream was only going to qcif. I brought it back and he told me he was going to bring it in the back and upgrade the firmware cause it had the old firmware. How can upgrading the firmware let the dvr stream in higher resolution? If that's the case, why are they charging more money for a full D1 over a non D1? Just upgrade the firmware and there you have it! Same dvr, same processor, same mother board, same hdd, everything but the firmware? And this new NVR that records 5mp, looks exactly like the 3216! I wonder can they just upgrade the firmware on my 3216 to get a 5mp camera to work?

  4. If his house is not too far from his garage, why not go wifi?




    well the answer to that is in the guys post. and wired is always better than wifi




    There you go Tom! Right there!

    YOU said it, not me. You said the answer is in his first post when I mentioned to use wifi and than you say wired is always better than wifi, which I have proved can either be just as good and possibly better at times. You are saying he wouldn't be able to use wifi because the answer is in the guys post. I have asked you SEVERAL, SEVERAL, SEVERAL times to show me in his first post where it says that he wouldn't be able to use wifi, but you keep avoiding that. I address everything you say and I provide links to proof, screen shots, etc. You avoid everything I ask you that you cannot provide an answer to. Like I keep saying, you simply hate with a passion to admit if you make a mistake or someone doesn't agree with you. What more can I say? Your turn. But I know and will bet any amount of money, you won't be saying that you made an error or that you have been corrected.

  5. I understand what ur saying. The swan/Costco kits are great deals for the money. I just didn't understand how toms info was helpful since you had purchased the swann kit. I would guess though by the time your ready to upgrade, there will be more options out there for your needs and budget. But if you keep drinking free beer, you'll probably save up enough money sooner than you think! Lol


    As usual, your misinterpreting what I am saying. What I was trying to say is, that I thought it was weird that if he was in the market for an NVR that can record a 5mp camera, how did he end up with a Swann? That's almost like saying I was shopping

    for a Mercedes but decided to go for a toyota corolla cause it suits my needs better. Why did you look at the Mercedes if a Toyota Corolla suits your needs? To me, thats weird.



    For the record I wasn't in the market for a 5MP nvr...I just went to their website and saw it was coming soon. All I wanted was ip cameras 720P or better. Quickest satisfaction, at a reasonable cost. For me that happened to be the swann system. If I ever redo this thing. I might consider the dahua, because it fits my needs for what I want to do.


    It almost seems like you think this is the only dahua nvr, is that true? You thanked Tom for the info on this NVR and than you said that you won't be buying it because you picked up the Swann. If all you wanted 720p or better, did you look at the dahua nvr's that do not record 5mp's? I'm not trying to start anything with you, just trying to understand.

  7. Hi, is this possible?


    I have one network cable going in the ground to the garage (as I need Internet connection in the garage). Now I would need 2 cctv cameras in the garage hooked to a DVR at my home. Is there some way getting the signal from these 2 CCTV cameras to the dvr through the existing ethernet cable? Without interrupting the Internet signal?


    Any advice would be highly appreciated



    Why wouldn't he be able to use wifi? Where is the answer that your talking about Tom?

  8. If his house is not too far from his garage, why not go wifi?




    well the answer to that is in the guys post. and wired is always better than wifi



    Ummm, if I mentioned that wifi was an option, and than you said immediately after my post, wired is always better than wifi, than how does that sound? And you never answered me about what answer is in his post? What are you talking about? Where does he say anything about not using wifi or about his garage is too far for wifi?

  9. You asked what I used I told you .....yes you can get high ...so what




    Is this another post your going to mess


    Please quote where I actually asked you what you used. I don't remember asking you. I do remember me mentioning

    wifi and than you saying wired is always better than wifi.


    I simply asked if you can back up that statement. Than I provided a link to a wifi router that can transfer up to 1300mbps

    and than a screenshot of my wifi data rate. How am I messing up this post? All you had to do was rather than be negative

    towards me and my reply about wifi, was to say that either idea would be fine. If you ask me, this is another post that

    you have ruined.

  10. Here is a screen shot of my current laptop using the internal wifi card. If I use my 5.0ghz usb adaptor, I usually get 450mbps,

    and I don'not need no stinkin cables connected to my laptop. So, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just said you can

    go with powerline or wifi, those are two options you can use because todays wifi technology has come a long way

    and you can achieve speeds that are acceptable by todays standards. But no, you just wanted to shoot me down, as

    you always do.


