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Posts posted by vector18

  1. What answer is in his post? I don't see where he says he doesn't want wifi? And if he would use the powerline adaptors,

    wouldn't he be interrupting his internet? So tell me Tom, what is your data transfer rate with these powerline devices?

    I like wired over wireless myself, but if your going to say something, at least back it up. Tell me how much mbps you

    can get with the ethernet over powerline, just for the record.

  2. Hi, is this possible?


    I have one network cable going in the ground to the garage (as I need Internet connection in the garage). Now I would need 2 cctv cameras in the garage hooked to a DVR at my home. Is there some way getting the signal from these 2 CCTV cameras to the dvr through the existing ethernet cable? Without interrupting the Internet signal?


    Any advice would be highly appreciated.




    Hi. you could remove your cat5 from network and use that for cameras and then run your network over garage power using Ethernet over power box. which is not expensive


    That is if his garage is on the same panel as his house. If his house is not too far from his garage, why not go wifi?

  3. As I said, but you didn't seem to either read my entire reply, or you just are too stubborn to actually understand. It's

    the way you constantly point out the negatives rather than point out both the pros and cons. I only had a go with you

    once you started with your Listen Victor comment. How short is your temper if your going to let a little picture of a tshirt

    showing mr.negative actually bother you? Have you taken your meds today or is your next reply going to be something crazy



    As far as the fix for my nvr, I was concerned about kpbs, not fps.

  4. Has anyone ordered any of these units & has one in production?


    The price is not bad. I recently ordered a HikVision NVR unit thinking Dahua would take a while to start selling their new NVRs. They have had some cameras on their website for some time but are still not available for sale here in the US.


    Anyway, does anyone know the current bandwidth limit of these new NVRs? The older NVR32XX choked at a maximum of 32Mbps, which I would see literally when I had 2 Axis P3364-LVE cameras connected. I suspect that these new NVRs have a bandwidth limit of 64Mbps. This would probably explain the four 5Mbps camera limit that Tom was alluding to.


    Does this 5Mbps camera 'limitation' make this NVR series a bad purchase, I would say no. At its price point this is an excellent NVR. Each NVR has a niche that it is suited for. For those folks needing more than four 5Mbps cameras you are definately looking at the wrong NVR. You should at a minimum look at the HikVision DS-9632NI-ST or stick with the Dahua NVR60XX series. Note the 60XX NVR does support 8Mbps cameras, if 5Mbps is still not enough.


    Funny you mention that. Yesterday I was installing 16 1.3 mini domes onto a 3216 NVR and after the 6th or 7th one, I had to lower the bandwidth cause I was getting an error mssg and it was kicking the camera out of the system. I was only able to install 8 of the cameras so right now I'm at 4096kbps and the image still looks sharp. The NVR is a local system, not connected

    to the internet so I didn't even think the bandwidth would even matter. I guess I learned something new. For the little extra money, I do wonder if this new NVR could handle higher bandwidth. I would even pay the extra for it even if I wasn't connecting

    a 5mp camera to it.

  5. were do you read this stuff ...........were did I say it was cheapo garbage crap ??????? I think I typed we sell it.


    I think you mean Where, not were. It just seemed like every post you make shows the negative limitations. Maybe it's the way

    I read your posts, nothing ever positive, always negative, and the way you say it, as if it's garbage. Other topics you always

    bad mouth Dahua and it's so obvious that you either dislike it or love pointing out the cons. What does it matter if you sell it or not. You sell it cause it makes you money, you don't have to like it or think that it's good. If you were simply handing out

    advise, than why is it you never say that it's a good deal for the price but it is just unable to do...........



    so you don't understand ????



    if he runs the 4 way dahua with a 5mp camera then he cant have 4 cameras


    As usual, your misinterpreting what I am saying. What I was trying to say is, that I thought it was weird that if he was in the market for an NVR that can record a 5mp camera, how did he end up with a Swann? That's almost like saying I was shopping

    for a Mercedes but decided to go for a toyota corolla cause it suits my needs better. Why did you look at the Mercedes if a Toyota Corolla suits your needs? To me, thats weird.

  6. Go in a room in your house with no windows, shut the door and shut the light off. Do you see anything? No you don't. Do you

    think you need IR's to help you see in the dark? OK, you just answered your own question. You can either go with

    an IR illuminator, or a better choice would be to actually light up the area better to secure the area more and help the camera

    out in return.

  7. There are other options I'm sure, but this is how I would try to do it. Everyone would have to buy a compatible dvr for the software though. They do not need a PC and run pss. Only the server that everyone will log into needs to run pss. You enter everyone's dvr into pss and log into their dvr's. Than you can open as many clients as you wish all at once.

  8. In that case, a rather inexpensive way IMO, would be to run a server running PSS and add everyone's dahua dvr as a device and let people log into the server. It actually seems like a friendly idea and a nice way for the neighborhood to feel safer. I'm for NY and everyone here is out for themselves so something like what ur looking for around my way is almost impossible, lol

  9. That would mean constant upload from everyone's house and would eat up their bandwidth. Also, that would mean the same cameras on their property would still be viewable from anyone in that community. Either way you set it up, I'm sure people would not like that idea.

  10. have your neighborhood put cameras all over their house, put their dvr on the internet, and share the URL of each dvr

    to the neighbors you want to share them with, and give them the passwords to log in. Most people do not want their

    neighbors to be able to log into their camera systems, so good luck with your cctv community.

  11. You really have issues Tim. Have you seen someone that might help you for that?




    issues with what ????? why giving info is having issues. is that not what the forum is for



    and again you have gone personal WHY


    Someone who explodes over a little t-shirt? Someone that starts off their comment with listen Victor. You know damn well that is not my name. Yes, you have issues. You need to sit down, take a breath, and call your therapist.


    Yes, we all know you are god and that you know it all. You are the perfect cctv installer, no one better out there. Thank you lord O mighty for pointing out all the negatives of this cheapo garbage crap NVR system. Thank you so much for all your wisdom and

    buyer beware advise! You are 100% right. No one should ever purchase this crap system, it has no reason to be in human existence. If you record 5mp's you LOOSE other channels! OMG, someone call the FBI, DEA, NYPD!!!!! HEY BUYERS, BEWARE OF THIS GARBAGE!! STAY AWAY!!! IT'S DAHUA CHINESE JUNK!! DO NOT BUY IT!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!! BEWARE!!!!

  12. Sorry I'm confused, But clear me up.


    It records 5MP, but only displays 1080P? or only records 1080P?


    Do you have to pull the file from the nvr to a computer to view the 5MP video/image?


    Thank you very much.


    That is pretty good, Being able to have 1 or 2 Higher mp cams, then the rest 1080P.


    Does anyone know a TV or monitor that can display 2592 x 1944 ? The reason for a 5mp camera is for higher detail

    when you need to zoom into something.

  13. its been available here since last year



    but again it has very bad limits. it cant record 4 x 5mp on 4 way


    It's probably not very expensive, so what do you expect? But at least if you have one 5mp camera, you will be able to record it now on a reasonably priced NVR. If you have more than one 5mp camera in your system, chances are your not on a tight budget

    and would be able to afford a higher priced NVR that will record more than one. It's nice to have options out there to fit certain budgets and needs. I think it's great what Dahua is doing and rather than pointing out what it is unable to do, I think it

    does alot for the money. What do they say, best bang for the buck!

  14. Just curious, but is that Honeywell a rebranded Hikvision DVR? It is surely using their external casing.


    Sorry, do not know the answer to that. So, no one is interested in anything I'm selling?

  15. You can either mount the camera on a back box and put the connectors in the box, outdoor of course, or drill your long hole with a skinny bit, than take a short fat bit and drill a big space on the brick and put the connectors in that space. Make sure you silicone any space where water can get to the connectors.
