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Posts posted by vector18

  1. If your like me, now the next time you install analog, you'll keep focusing and focusing thinking the picture could get better.

    I just landed a job for a warehouse in PA and I'm installing 8 2100's and NVR. He didn't even ask for megapixel, he asked

    for a camera system, thats all. I'm paying like 20 bucks more for the camera than I would an analog. The NVR is just a tad bit

    more, and I have to buy a POE, but I priced the job in order to make the profit I was looking for so he's getting megapixel

    whether he likes it or not cause thats what I would rather install. Plus, no one works there and he's ordering a dedicated

    broadband modem strictly for the camera system, so it should work out nicely.

  2. I've noticed the higher bit rate IP cameras start out black on the mobile phone and than a few seconds later the image comes up.

    The analog cameras come up quicker. Try lowering the bit rate on the extra stream and see if it speeds up, but play around

    with the rate so you don't blur the image too much.

  3. OK, I'm installing an IP system with dahua 2100 1.3mp bullets in a couple of weeks but in another state about a 2 hour drive.

    I'd rather not go back for anything if you know what I mean. I was told by the owner that it is rather dark around his

    warehouse where I will be installing the cameras. He's on a budget and has his heart on IP megapixel so Dahua is my choice.

    The 2100 bullets are extremely reasonable priced and will fall right in our budget. We are going with 4 outdoor and 4 indoor

    for location. He wants to keep an eye on his employees both coming and going and while inside as well. Anyway, I was thinking

    of running a cat5 for the cameras and an 18/2 for an external IR illuminator near the camera connected to an 8 channel camera power supply. Now, I have never done this before

    so for those who have with success and knowledge, where is the BEST location for the illuminator, above, under, or next to the camera? What tips should I know or things to avoid by using these if any? And lastly, are those 10.00 42IR ones on ebay worth

    anything at all? I am thinking of putting one illuminator per camera so 8 illuminators with the good 100.00 ones would throw

    us way off budget. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.

  4. Install a pre entry burglar alarm on the barn, or stick a pitbull in there and every night walk in with a flashlight and

    beat him with a bat till him passes out. Than the next time the perp walks in with a flashlight, the pitbull will eat

    him for breakfast!

  5. I'll be quite honest, I'm not exactly sure if the masking will save hdd space or not, but if it did, I would think it would

    be so miniscule. If you really are truly concerned about hdd space, first off have your DVR up and running for a month and

    do a search and see how long you can search back to. If the amount of time is not enough in your opinion, than you can

    make sure your recording motion only, test the sensitivity of the motion recording and lower if need be. What are your

    fps? If your at 30fps, you can drop that safely by at least 1/2 to save some hdd space. And lastly, is your dvr capable of having an additional hdd installed or can you upgrade the existing single slot to a bigger hdd?

  6. I'd like to know if anyone is interested in a new, but open box Honeywell 16 channel DVR with 1tb hdd. I can take a pic of it for real, but this is the same DVR as what I am selling. Either post or PM me if interested.


