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  1. settlersvillage

    Camera fuzziness and pixel distortion.

    We have 16 cameras in the store, all of them running directly to a computer. It is pixelated locally at the main computer. They are analog cameras. I have not tried testing a monitor directly next to a camera. I have plugged one of the cameras giving a quality image in place of one of the poor quality image cameras and the results where the image was still in focus and sharp. Which tells me its probably the cameras them selves and not the network.
  2. settlersvillage

    Camera fuzziness and pixel distortion.

    I took one of the good cameras, plugged it in to the cables of the bad camera and the picture was still perfect. So I assume it is just the bad camera. Any advice on how to get it into focus would be nice. I have tried fiddling with the screws that adjust how far or close, wide or tele the camera focuses, and that didn't help at all really.
  3. settlersvillage

    Camera fuzziness and pixel distortion.

    Let me take a look for flourescent lights and power cables. As far as moving the cameras is that an involved process or just a screw turn and move kind of thing?
  4. settlersvillage

    Camera fuzziness and pixel distortion.

    The system has been in for about a year and a half, maybe a little more. I would not say it's gone faulty. No one else in the store is really computer savy, heck when I got here no one even knew how to view the recorded surveillance. I am not sure of the quality before I got here. Just trying to fix it now.
  5. settlersvillage

    Camera fuzziness and pixel distortion.

    Hello we run a geovision system here at our store. We have 16 Cameras. Some run perfectly fine, others are blurry, pixilated, and distorted to the point where they really serve no purpose. Where can I go to fix this. I have looked at the settings on the cameras that work perfectly and so far I cannot find any differences between the working cameras and the non functional ones.