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  1. code58


    Hi I have this problem only when i connect remotely to the computer. Everything works fine, all cams show, but only when i click on any cam to enlarge it, i get this. But it only happens when i connect remotely to the computer, so on the computer itself there is no problem. I have attached a picture of the problem.
  2. code58

    Supplier needed for export to Africa

    Basically what i do work with now, Sony CCd Bullet cams Hikvision capture cards Proline computer for recording. Geovision software. Thats what i installed at a client the other day. I actually dont mind what product, but these ones I just named does the job pretty well for me. My supplier here, Pinnacle Micro, sells these, but i would like to import myself.
  3. code58

    Supplier needed for export to Africa

    Hi Seanhawg Thank you, but actually what i tried to ask is if someone know who i can contact, for some reason i can only find retailers online, the big banner on top DWG Distribution, i have emailed them, but i havent got a reply yet. Thanks again.
  4. Hi. I have a company here in Africa, Namibia, and i need a supplier of all CCTV products to sell here in my country, there is a great need of these products here. Could someone here point me to the right direction for the best suppliers of these products? I prefer to buy directly from manufacturers. Thank you for anyone who helps me in this matter.
  5. code58

    No video, but camera leds are on?

    I gess, but the weird thing is, on the PSU itself, there are only one + and one - pole, and all three cams is connected to it.
  6. code58

    No video, but camera leds are on?

    Hi rory. Thank you for all the info. Here is what i did eventually. I found yesterday when i first had a look at the PSU, that the previous IT, actually my previous boss, , well, he made the + / - cable connection so bad that they touched each other, but after i fixed that, i still had the same problem. So i just replaced the camera with a new one, and it did work, i put the old one back, and walla, it worked, but only for a while, so i replaced the cam, left the new one installed, and no problems so far. So i gess it was a short that took out the cam. But what bothers me a bit, is that on the same PSU there are other 2 cams also installed, and they work fine, one of whom is the same distance away from the PSU, so if it was a short, why did only one cam blew? sort of... lol. But ya, it all works fine, they like me, they will use me in the future, whooohooooo!!! Thanks for all the help and advise.
  7. code58

    No video, but camera leds are on?

    What i found was the power supply can change between 12v, 14v, 16v, so what i did was because there are 3 cams, i changed the PSU from 12v up to 14v, and it worked, bud only for a few min, There are 3 cameras connected to the PSU, i know now for a fact that it is not the video cable, because i was just there and somehow got it working, but now when i went to the computer, it was dead again, all video i get is black, but a bit on the right side is white noze, like a stripe comming down. If i connect only that one camera, still the same problem. If i connect the other two cameras, they work. I will replace that cam with another and see what happens, but i did took out the "faulty" one and plugged it to another point, and the cam worked fine. Time got a bit short to do more tests, needed to fetch the girl :-/ I will take you up to try to change the location at the dvr. dont know why i havent tried that. lol. But still, i did got it working for about 10min. Il will also change the power cord tomorrow. Thank you for the reply themerchant
  8. Hi Im new to installing CCTV and so, but today i went to a client, with a problem that one camera does not show video, i went to the camera, removed it, installed that camera on another point, and the camera works. Camera is about 2.5m away from PSU. So i told the client i wil come back to him, and went to a totally new client, witch also had the same problem. This camera is about 7m away from psu. Here is the problem with both cameras. The camera dont show video, but the LED's are shining red, meaning they are on... The power cables does work, tested... Could it be the video cable? i mean, same problem happening on the same time at two diferent clients on the same day. lol! Here is a link to the exact cameras im using, one is smaller at the other client. but still the same. [mod edit - store link removed] What am i missing?
  9. code58

    not seeing cameras

    Hi, Have you tested the power cable & also the data cable?