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Everything posted by classact_uk

  1. classact_uk

    Eneo DXR1-09n/500cd For sale

    I honestly have no idea what's it's worth, I'm getting to the point where I just want it out of the way
  2. classact_uk

    Eneo DXR1-09n/500cd For sale

    HI everyone. I currently have an eneo DXR1-09n/500cd for sale as it is no longer required. I have no idea what to ask for it secondhand, and am therefore totally open to offers. There are also 2 DC-HR1D dome cameras spare. All offers considered. Even if someone could give me advise as to what i should be asking for them it would be very much apprciated. Thanks, Rob
  3. classact_uk

    Eneo DXR1-09n/500cd For sale

    Im totally open to offers