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Everything posted by imweasel

  1. Can't find a player from a dvr system. Can back up the video, but it doesn't export any player. I have googled and not found anything useful. I have a Vx4SL Player, but it's only version 1.0 and won't play it back. I need some serious help on this one. Thanks!
  2. I just got a video in avi that was compiled using the O263 codec, according to GSpot and VideoInspector. I have no idea what system this came off of. Need help finding this codec to play back in media player (classic or windows) or a player that will play it back period. I have tried: Klite mega pack 6.4.4 media.player.codec.pack.v3.9.6 XP-Codec-Pack-2.5.1 W.E.C.P.Codec.Package.Setup.3.01 Any help at all will be greatly appreciated. First post even!
  3. imweasel

    Need help with an avi video...

    No can do. Is there any way I can find a O263 codec? If it's proprietary, I think the game is up. I will see if I can find the make and system that recorded this and do some further research.
  4. imweasel

    Need help with an avi video...

    Thanks for the quick reply. I googled and dl'ed 2 different ffdshow codec packs: ffdshow-rev3611_20101006_clsid.exe and another that uses installq install utility that wanted to also load a bunch of bloatware. Neither one worked. I have been uninstalling the previous codec pack prior to loading the new ones.