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Everything posted by johnyp
Hello to everybody, Last year i bought a china unbranded dvr width 4 channels. Was working ok till yesterday but suddenly stoped booting. Now when i power it up all it does shows some vertical color bars and stucks there. I removed the hdd and the smos battery but still no change. The board is AHB700XT8-3520D V4.03B 0197166178 and a sticker on it says MBD0199A. Is there anyway to reset it to factory or maybe reflash the firmare (i don't have the firmware, must find it) via tftp from lan or form usb on boot maybe? I also trying to find the TTL UART but no luck... My dvr is the first two images named 538..., the last one with the broken pins and the two sata is from net and uploaded by mistake and don't know how to delete it. Thank you very much.
By software you mean the bin files that i try to flash? Well dvr is up and running, can see the cameras, can do almost anything except save the settings. If i change any setting it looses it after reboot, the same thing is when i try to set it by uart with setenv command. This is the version info it shows me. Bin file was for model AHD7004T-EL. I believe that it has a corrupted eeprom but that is my opinion only. What is yours, and please explain to me what you mean by the word software and what by the one firmware. All the bin files i try and flashing is the firmware, and inside the bin file are the linux kernel, the boot logo, the custom functions library and the web interface files. All theese files are written in flash and in onother section in the flash is the enviroment declares. If i delete 256kb at position 0x400000 then i delete the enviroment and on boot uses the default one that i believe is in the eeprom. I can imagine what else the eeprom may contain... What am i getting wrong here? Thank you for your time.
An update Hello, after some hours tested all variants of ahb7004t model. Many of them brought the dvr back to life but on all of them except one i had the same problem. Dvr booted ok but couldn't get in the menu, every time i pressed a menu it hangs, freezes and reboots some minutes later. With one firmwares i had the problem that it didn't store settings. I think that all i have to do is delete the environment but don't know at what address is in the flash and the command to do it. Also my board has an eeprom 24c08 that i am sure the version, model etc is in there but don't know how to read it via uart. Is there any way? Thank you
Last question, again, i don't want to buzz you. Every zip file has two files, should i flash the bin or the image? Could you explain? Thank you
I know that what you may didn't understand is that the dvr is not booting. Managed to boot it with the 00000117AHB7004T-EL firmware but i can not access menus. What i try to do is find the correct firmware by flashing all i find. My question is this, every zip file contains two files, a bin and an img file. What file should i flash to dvr via uart and how? Uart is the only method i have access to the dvr. Thank you
How should i flash the firmwares? Should i flash only the update.img? i do it from uart with run up for update.img? What is the correct way to load the firmwares? Thessaly where i live, but in generall if you exclude athens that is the avg price almost everywhere Thank you.
Here in Greece a dvr unit like that one costs about 110 euros. Avg month salary is 420 euros so yes if i can fix it for my customer i prefer to do it + i want to learn from it. Can you please explain to me why all firmwar files has an img file and a bin inside? What i do is extract the bin, flash all images from inside one by one and at the end i flash the update.img, is it ok? Thank you
Well, didn't knew that but the firmware i used is the V4.02.R11.00000117 AHB7004T-EL, with this one boots but no menu and hangs. Should i go with another one by trying? Thank you
First of all i have a bin file that supposed to be from that board but i don't know how to flash it. Can't extract it like many i found from net, the one that sent it to me told me that is a flash dump from his. Don't know much about how... Any ideas about that bin? Now, to the wizard i pressed cancel, menu apeared and if i press any sub menu will just freeze, but even if i just don't press anything it will reboot after some minutes. I was using vmEye on android and cms on windows. Could login from Chrome also on port 80. U-Boot 2010.06-svn342 (Jan 20 2016 - 19:33:32) Check spi flash controller v350... Found Spi(cs1) ID: 0xC2 0x20 0x18 0xC2 0x20 0x18 Spi(cs1): Block:64KB Chip:16MB Name:"MX25L128XX" Set lock level: 3, start of bottom address Spi is locked. lock address[0x0 => 0x40000] envcrc 0x8f9ba671 ENV_SIZE = 0x3fffc In: serial Out: serial Err: serial USB: scanning bus for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found 0 Storage Device(s) found Press CTRL-C to abort autoboot in 0 secondshisilicon # hisilicon # sf probe 0 16384 KiB hi_sfc at 0:0 is now current device hisilicon # sf lock 0 unlock all block. hisilicon # boot 16384 KiB hi_sfc at 0:0 is now current device CFG_BOOT_ADDR:0x0 0ff:0x84000000 ### /UbootLogo UbootLogoload complete: 21986 bytes loaded to 0x8e800000 jpeg decoding ... <<addr=0x8e800000, size=0xb85f9, vobuf=0x8e800000>> <<imgwidth=800, imgheight=600, linebytes=1600>> decode success!!!! decode jpeg success. decode jpeg! CFG_BOOT_ADDR:0x58080000 0ff:0x84000000 ### boot load complete: 2141320 bytes loaded to 0x82000000 ### SAVE TO 80008000 ! ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 82000000 ... Image Name: linux Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2141256 Bytes = 2 MiB Load Address: 80008000 Entry Point: 80008000 Loading Kernel Image ... OK OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
Cant get in the menu, dvr doesn't go in menu. I agree that hardware is also different that is why i showed you my hardware. Here is some photos of the real one also. Board Is the same as AHB7004T-EL as stated in the link. Anyway i guess that no one can help me unless he has the exact same board that has a sticker MBD0199A 2017-6-10 Just one last question, can i erase the eeprom from uart? Thank you for your time
Yes as stated my board is AHB700XT8-3520D V4.03B 0197166178 and a sticker on it says MBD0199A but i can not find a dump from the exact same one. I don't know if it is a 1080p or 720p one, i believe this has only to do with the firmware, if board is the same for both. The link with the tecbox is just for a visual from the dvr, just a reader to see it outside. The second one from where i got the firmware shows the exact same board as hardware. When u say software you mean the custom-x.cramfs.img, the rom.cramfs.img or what? The 00000117AHB7004T-EL suits ok, the dvr starts but it hangs on any menu press or after 10 minutes it reboots even if i don't press anything. Maybe i must erase the eeprom before flashing it but i don't know how to do it from the uart. Have you something to suggest? Thank you
Thank you for your time. The two photos with the one sata are from my board, the one with the two sata and the broken header is wrong, just can't delete it... Wilth the firmware of the last link dvr came to life again. Now the problem is that when i click on any menu it freezes and reboots. Both firmwares did the same, the link has two firmwares (00000117AHB7004T-EL and C6380117AHB7004T-EL). The first one was the original one. I posted here because maybe someone had the same board to help me find the firmware. I flashed via uart the update.img and everything in the bin file after i extracted it. Why it freezes and reboots i can no understand... Thank you
Even if nobody replyed yet i think that my board is this : http://www.xiongmaitech.com/en/index.php/product/product-detail/2/93/186 Still if anyone knows better any help would be great. Thank you
This is the dvr, managed to find it... http://www.tecbox.icoc.in/pd.jsp?id=190#pfc={"lid"%3A1%2C"sc"%3A{"key"%3A"name"%2C"desc"%3Afalse}}
Hello, have you found the file for this board? I have the same and need the firmware. Thank you
Nobody has experience with flashing? Maybe somebody has the firmware to flash from tftp. Thank you
Update: Found the uart and here is what i am getting on 115200: U-Boot 2010.06-svn342 (Jan 20 2016 - 19:33:32) Check spi flash controller v350... Found Spi(cs1) ID: 0xC2 0x20 0x18 0xC2 0x20 0x18 Spi(cs1): Block:64KB Chip:16MB Name:"MX25L128XX" Set lock level: 3, start of bottom address Spi is locked. lock address[0x0 => 0x40000] envcrc 0x85a986c0 ENV_SIZE = 0x3fffc In: serial Out: serial Err: serial USB: scanning bus for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found 0 Storage Device(s) found Press CTRL-C to abort autoboot in 0 seconds16384 KiB hi_sfc at 0:0 is now current device CFG_BOOT_ADDR:0x0 0ff:0x84000000 cramfs: wrong magic super.magic:0x5d0ab7ad,CRAMFS_32 (CRAMFS_MAGIC):0x28cd3d45 0ff:0x84000000 cramfs: wrong magic super.magic:0x5d0ab7ad,CRAMFS_32 (CRAMFS_MAGIC):0x28cd3d45 ### /UbootLogo/ LOAD ERROR<ffffffff> ! jpeg decoding ... <<addr=0x8e800000, size=0xb85f9, vobuf=0x8e800000>> addr:0x80853e64,size:755193,logoaddr:0x8e800000,: 1,4a load jpeg err. CFG_BOOT_ADDR:0x58080000 0ff:0x84000000 cramfs: wrong magic super.magic:0xc5ae99c9,CRAMFS_32 (CRAMFS_MAGIC):0x28cd3d45 ### boot/zImage.img LOAD ERROR<ffffffff> ! Wrong Image Format for bootm command ERROR: can't get kernel image! hisilicon #
Hello to all. Some days ago i got from ebay a dlr-201 recorder but it has an admin password in settings. Does anyone knows how can i reset this device to it's original settings ? Thank you
Yes i know that card are cheap. Anyway it is more that i want to play with it and make some use also. Thank you anyway.
I need this password cause i bought it for specific reasons. I used the main board for it's mmc record function in a homemade dvr system. I have it so why should i dump it ? Anyway yes it is true that is not the second but the fifth time that i buy useless stuff from ebay but i don't care as soon as it is cheap. I use it for parts. I really want to make a use from this dlr and my question is if anyone knows if password is in the eeprom or the flash ? Thank you
Why don't you reply to me? Is this dlr really unknown to all of you ?
No one knows anything about this ???
Ok i found a compatible software. NetDvr that is ... Thank you all.
Hello to all. I made the mistake and bought a dvr from china that works with the newie.ocx software and now i can not find other compatible viewing client software cause theirs is really bad !!!. This is what i got :http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250694923171&ru=http://shop.ebay.com:80/%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3984.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D250694923171%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1#ht_2127wt_905 Any ideas ?
I was just wondering if there is any universal viewing client for h264 dvr servers like Argus. I tried argus but no success. I also tryed X-Iris and Cms Pro but nothing. I can not connect. I can't give you a link cause i use it in local network with no access to internet but if you want i can upload the ocx that client is using and a software i made in vb6. Please if you can upload some dvr client software to try. Thank you all.